Turn the Universe

Chapter 1356: Tao and Wu

"Well, that's good, that's good. By the way, fellow daoists, I still have an unrelenting invitation. I just heard that everyone will stay here for a while. So, can I take advantage of this time to understand What about the Taoist scriptures?"

Han Yu Xiaotian asked softly.

Han Yu Xiaotian had this idea when he heard the people talking about some realms of Cultivation, and now he took this opportunity to mention it.

"Tao classics? This is no problem. In this cave, there happen to be some Buddhist and Taoist classics that we usually search for by various schools and schools. Han Yu...you can watch it anytime."

Li Jianghe and several heads of various sects all expressed their opinions, but the difference from the previous ones is that the heads of these Buddhism and Daoist traditions have brought a touch of respect in their speech to Han Yu Xiaotian. .

"Well, that's good, I won't bother you, and if there is a need for me, just speak up."


A blessed land, a palace standing on the top of a mountain~

"Refining qi, refining qi to transform gods, refining gods to restore emptiness, refining emptiness and harmony.

The Taoist refining and refining Qi is the first stage of the foundation-building work. It is based on the essence, qi, and spirit. The essence of the essence and the vitality can be combined and transformed into a light and innocent essence. Things can only run with the river cart and become a pill.

If you want to unite nature and humans, refining Qi is only the initial stage, to achieve the emptiness, keep quiet, naturally, luck back and forth into a cycle, continuous and endless..."

At this time, Han Yu Xiaotian was studying and reading a book that was truly inherited from the ancient Chinese Taoism.

At the same time, he is constantly thinking~

Tao and Guwu, what is the connection between the two, and what are the essential differences?

How can I learn from my current state of non-Taoism and Wuwu?

Now, his own star **** has reached the perfect state of the seventh rank of the mysterious rank, as long as he consolidates for a period of time, he should be able to perceive his own two souls of heaven and earth.

To perceive the two souls of heaven and earth and take them back into their own body, although this is the most insurmountable step for almost all warriors and supernatural powers, Hanyu Xiaotian has the **** of stars. With the supreme mysterious power of the **** of stars, he He didn't feel worried about taking the two souls of heaven and earth back into his body.

However, what made him really think at this time was how he would go after he regained the two souls of heaven and earth?

Han Yu Xiaotian's primordial spirit and physical body situation are different from all ancient martial artists and supernatural powers, and it is also very different from Taoist primordial spirit and Buddhism.

This is a path that no one has ever walked.

His past, groping all the way;

His front is still full of unknowns, full of uncertainties.

At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian’s mind, through the Taoist scriptures in his hands, is constantly exploring guidance that may be helpful to him on the road of Tao and Wu~


In Taoism, there is the so-called "Sanhua Juding" and "Five Qi Chaoyuan".

Three flowers are essence, energy, and spirit.

The five qi is the mystery of the human body such as the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney, or another code name for the five elements, that is, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc.

The Taoist Five Qi dynasty is to feel that the breath of breath has stopped completely naturally, and the whole body is soft and warm and comfortable without the acquired breath. The so-called inner respiration naturally stops at this time.

Only after a long period of time, I occasionally needed a very slight breath.