Turn the Universe

Chapter 1357: Tao and Wu (2)

At this time, it is like being in a beautiful scene of the wind and the sun, the breeze does not move, the water waves are not happy, inside and outside of the body, the world and the characters, there is no one other than the standard of neutrality, let alone the existence or absence of the self. exist.

This kind of realm is the same realm as the ancient warrior’s transformation of Qi into Yuan, returning to my true nature, and condensing True Yuan into the same realm.


The gathering of the three flowers at the top should be the highest stage of Huaxia Taoism's refinement into Qi.

In the unobstructed condition of the eight channels of the odd meridian, it gradually reaches the sensation of forgetting the body, and the whole body is soft and soft like a baby, very comfortable and suitable, if it survives.

Then gradually calm down, and the gaze in front of him will flash back.

At this point, you will suddenly enter a state of complete selflessness, only the part of Baihui acupoint in the Nihuan Palace above your head, which feels like the opening of a skylight, like the transmission of sunlight, suddenly enlightened and presents an incomparably cool feeling. It is like a breath of clear and vacant air that descends and spreads all over the body.

The so-called "Taigu empowerment" in Taoist alchemy describes this state.

And this realm is like the one with the spirit and spirit of ancient martial arts, and the realm of condensing the supreme boxing will seem to be different.


A cultivator who cultivates supernatural powers can reach the realm of "three flowers gather at the top, five qi Chaoyuan", and then combine with the concept of Tao to enter the realm of refining Qi Hua Shen...

Refining qi to transform god, from Tao to become god, refining qi and **** together, make qi into god, begin to become the original spirit~

There is a statement on the volume of "Huanzhen Ji": "Zhongguan refines qi to transform the gods, and replenishes the yin of the middle to become dry."

Yuanshen, Shenmin, Xuanyi~

From the perspective of Xuan Dao, the primordial spirit of the Chinese cultivator is of course much stronger than the Xuan Yi mentality of the ancient martial artist today.

It's just that the ancient martial artist has developed his potential to the limit, so that his qi, blood, true essence, and fist intent are all integrated into one, forming a great terrorist force with martial arts spirit, and even with the cultivator supernatural power The primordial spirit contends.

One is to cultivate the supreme potential of one's own body; the other is to gradually put down one's own skin to cultivate the soul.

At this stage, the paths taken by the ancient warriors and the supernatural powers have begun to gradually differentiate from the initial similarity.


As for the next stage of cultivating the Tao, the refining of the gods is completely different from the ancient warriors~

It is also called Shangguan. In Taoism, it is a realm of supernatural ecstasy.

This practice process is different from the "Youwei" at the beginning of the Pass and the "Friendship with Nothing" in the Zhongguan. It is the practice of doing nothing, entering the martial arts of concentration, introspection and concentration, breastfeeding and warming, and refining the **** of pure sun. .

That is to say, from the previous physical practice to spiritual practice, that is, from the immortal power to the Taoist power, you can get back to the two souls of heaven and earth, and further warm up your own Yang God, and finally make the Yang God proud of the world.

Nothing is nothingness, that is, holding the element and keeping the one, everything enters into the void, everything is luminous, returns to the root, and understands the nature.

Taoist practitioners believe that after the birth in October, when the baby moves to the valley of the gods, it is still necessary to hide Xuanxuan, keep silent, and gather heaven and earth to feed it.

As Tan Chuduan said: "The baby moves to the pubic pubic area, and the heart is in harmony with nature; after three thousand accomplishments, he can become a Buddha and rise to immortality."

Weng Baoguang said: "Nine years of meritoriousness, the nature of inaction is self-contained, and the invisible form is self-sufficient. The magic is endless and unpredictable; the nature of the circle is wisdom and the ten directions, and the wisdom is not broken. So it can be tens of billions , It should be obvious..."