Turn the Universe

Chapter 1435: The Capital of Extinguishing Demons (3)

Hanyu Xiaotian's Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's purification seems to have divided time and space, causing the evil spirit of death that has existed for an unknown period of time to completely disappear into the cycle.

And those monster lives that had survived for a longer period of time only with the help of the power of the soul, once again returned to their original appearance, turning into a pile of strangely shaped bones.

"This machine... is the machine king? He seems to have no human consciousness anymore."

"That monster is the King of Warcraft? He should have been swallowed by animalized genetic cells. But how did it die? Well, could it be that the balance of the cells in the body is disrupted, so the cell life of this monster can't be maintained for long?"

"This should be the body of that bone demon? I didn't expect that they all survived by the power of the soul."

As everyone walked along, they couldn't help but sigh again and again at the enemy corpses that were powerful and ferocious a moment ago.

"Sun Lin~ he is there! He... is not dead! But, how did he become like this?"

Ji Jianqi, the young master of the Ji family, was the first to discover the instigator of this Demon Capital Forbidden Land, Researcher Sun Lin.

The face is haggard, the white hair is hanging down the shoulders, the complexion is pale, and the wrinkles are as numb~

And his originally green body, which looked like a wooden post, was also like rotten wood. The surface of the wooden post was connected to the earthworm-like tubes everywhere in Sun Lin's body. Those red sticky blood, this The time has already dried up.

At this time, Sun Lin was no longer the arrogant and arrogant posture he had originally, but like an old man who was about to die, quietly waiting for death to come.

Obviously, his organs that should have failed decades ago have begun to weaken again...

"Huh, there is an old saying in Huaxia, God does evil, especially to live, self-inflicted, and not to live! Sun Lin, you were born in Huaxia, but for your own selfishness, you did such things that angered people and complained. It's time to laugh!"

"You have seen these perfect guinea pigs. They just slightly disrupted their internal balance, and they are even more vulnerable than ordinary people.

From this point of view, your experiment has failed.

Well, your new humans seem to be far inferior to our old humans? ......"

"Yes, Sun Lin, are these your experiments over the past few decades? In addition to the homicide experiment that exterminates humanity, what other experimental results have you made? Did you just create these monsters?"


At this time, the people of the Ji family, the people of the Chinese Buddhist and Taoist Alliance, and the Western Dark Alliance looked at this researcher Sun Lin who was still in a daze, and their eyes were full of endless anger.

"You... don't be proud, I am immortal. I won't die, my lord has promised me..."

The voice was very weak, but at this time, Sun Lin still showed inexplicable self-confidence, as if he had been hypnotized.

"Guaranteed? Huh, Sun Lin, who is the big man behind your New Human Alliance?"

Hearing what Researcher Sun Lin said, Ji Jingwen, the Patriarch of the Ji family, couldn't help but moved in his heart, staring at the other person and asking.

As one of the big moves arranged by the upper-level figures of China, the Ji family cared most at this time, of course, the true secrets of the New Human Alliance.

This time he thought he could catch the great secrets of the New Human Alliance, but who knew it was just a researcher Sun Lin and some of his test products.

As for the characters in the real New Human Alliance, none of them have been seen.