Turn the Universe

Chapter 1445: Sky Star

After giving gifts to Hanyu Xiaotian, Xuanmiao sorted out his thoughts and said again~

"In the killer world, Yong Ye ranks higher than our Club Assassin Alliance. This Yong Ye actually takes a very small number of missions. However, as long as they take the mission, they have never failed.

And their leader is a mysterious powerhouse known as the "Eternal Night King". As for the realm of his strength and what his artistic conception is, Feng Dao doesn't know.

However, I know that the secret method of his cultivation is related to darkness. Therefore, the dark crystal in that mission should be exactly what he needs..."

Xuanmiao, the head of the Qing Wei School, told Han Yu Xiaotian everything he knew.

The Dark Crystal is actually a high-purity energy stone with dark attributes.

Obviously, this reward directly attracted Yong Ye's attention, and it was the first time to take over the assassination task.

"Assassinate Shengxi... Yongye~"

After hearing the mysterious words, Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes flashed with a light...

Tian Lan Xing.

This is a beautiful star full of life.

This star is slightly smaller than the earth, half of the area is surrounded by the turquoise ocean, and the other half is a beautiful continent.

The surface area here is not large, and the resources are not very rich, so it is not very popular with major forces and top powerhouses.

However, here is a beautiful environment, pleasant climate and picturesque scenery.

Therefore, it is very popular among the elite immigrants, the rich class, or the dignitaries.

And all of this determines the commercial development of this planet and the leisurely pace of life...


Wiener City.

One of the central cities of Tian Lan Xing.

"Hey, have you heard? Hanyu Shengxi is coming to us for a concert!"

"Hanyu Shengxi? Is it the Hanyu Shengxi who is called the "Music Saint"?"

"Of course, who else can there be besides her? Now the name of the saint of music, Hanyu Shengxi, has already resounded through the stars. As long as it is a music lover, no one does not know her!"

"Yes! Ms. Hanyu Shengxi not only achieves the peak of music, but also looks like a fairy in the painting. Our family is her die-hard fan. I will go to every concert of her, no matter where it is!"

"Really? When will she come?"

"Ten days later, the performance will be in our Golden Auditorium in Wiener! I even bought the tickets!"

"I envy you! Now one of her concert tickets has been fired up to the Wanlian* state currency, which is worth my one year's income. But even so, I often can't buy her tickets. However. , I have collected every single of her!"

"I heard that not long ago, the saint of music Hanyu Shengxi formed a ‘Saint Music Team’. The musicians are all top masters in the music industry. If they all come this time, we will be blessed!"

"That is! No matter how expensive the ticket is this time, I have to buy it!"

"Well, even if I can't hear the music, I just look at Miss Shengxi from a distance, I'm satisfied..."


Blue sky, white clouds, blue sea, clear sky~

In this picturesque environment, Hanyu Xiaotian and his party are hearing countless people's comments about Hanyu Shengxi.

This also made their original worries about not getting the news of Hanyu Shengxi disappear instantly.