Turn the Universe

Chapter 1500: Kunpeng Tuntian

"Kunpeng swallows the sky, refining everything!"

A voice drank from the mouth of Duanmu Zhengchun. Suddenly, a terrifying suction that seemed to **** in the heavens and the earth was produced from the depths of the vortex of the dark sea~


The endless sound soldiers who had roared and screamed, suddenly lost their voice in this terrifying suction power that even drained the air. Then, it seemed like a fish and shrimp entered the mouth of a whale, and moved towards the whirlpool without resistance. It surged everywhere, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Feeling this horrible suction, and seeing his invisible and inquality sound soldier, he was swallowed instantly, Hanyu Fengxing opened his eyes, and the true essence surged in his body~

At the same time, a rhythm from the innermost part of his body fluctuated without warning.

Although this rhythm sounds in Hanyufeng's body, it is like in the dark, with infinite murder and mystery~

Inner universe!

At this time, Han Yufeng was suddenly breaking out of his own extreme cultivation base, using the laws of heaven and earth in his body to fight against the laws of spirit of the North Ming artifact!

"Huh! Han Yufeng, don't have to struggle anymore, my Duanmu family's town clan artifact, Bei Ming, can you fight it! Although your cultivation base is higher than ours, today, the results of both you and me will still be You die and I live!"

The situation reversed again, Duanmu Zhengchun's mouth evoked a touch of cruelty.

"Hmph, of course the North Ming artifact of your Duanmu family is powerful, far from what I can fight against. But, this North Ming artifact, can you wait for the cultivation base to use it?

Otherwise, you would have transformed into a Kunpeng body and swallowed me up, right? No need to talk nonsense here! "

Han Yufeng responded without fear.


Upon hearing Han Yufeng's words, Duanmu Zhengchun snorted and stopped talking.

What Han Yufeng said is indeed true.

The township artifacts of this kind of hidden family are indeed not capable of being commanded by strong people like them.

That magnificent magical law can only be truly controlled by the powerful.


When the local-level powerhouse reaches the final state of consummation, the human body's secrets will be developed when the earth state is reached.

And Sendai is the highest mystery hidden for the human body!

Once a strong master of the earth tier develops Sendai and makes his ‘god’ enter Sendai with the laws of heaven and earth, he can enter the realm of the celestial stage!

The strongest of heaven, step into Sendai, the highest secret realm of the human body. Sendai can make the human body truly connect with the universe, make the human body's small universe resonate with the universe, the will becomes a god, and interferes with reality.

That kind of power is like the Taoist Buddha of ancient China.

And only when you reach the realm of heaven, can you truly control an artifact of the level of ‘Bei Ming’...

"Hmph, even if we can't fully motivate Bei Ming, we still have no problem dealing with you~"

Duanmu Zhengchun's eyes were cold, his true essence circulated again, turned into needles, forced into his own heart, and then suddenly stabbed~

Suddenly, a stream of pure heart and blood, which was deeply contained in the laws of the North Ming, flowed along Duanmu Zhengchun’s blood vessels to the tips of his fingers, then penetrated the skin, and fell directly toward the depths of the whirlpool of the North Ming Sea ...


The tweet from the deep sea came again, but this time the sound seemed to be much clearer and closer to the sea surface. Even faintly, the surrounding sea surface, which is not too wide, changed, as if it was slightly raised. ...