Turn the Universe

Chapter 1520: Tianhun Dengtian Road

Nine days of wind whistling~

Rolling endless thunderclouds~

The light and heat are shining~

Void Mixture Promise ~

Above the nine heavens, it seems peaceful and peaceful, but to the soul of the living beings, it is like a prison of heaven and god.

In this piece of nothingness, as long as a person's soul, soul, and soul are weak, they will be instantly obliterated by heaven.

Its level of danger is more dangerous and terrifying than the place where the filthy soul is.

And at this time, Hanyu Xiaotian's touched "God of Stars" wandered on the extremely dangerous Jiutiantian Road, traveling freely...

Whether it is the wind or thundercloud, whether it is light or heat, or nothingness, in the eyes of Hanyu Xiaotian's perverted star god, it seems to be a dummy, wandering freely.

Even, occasionally, a few strands of the star's profound meaning wafted from the body of the **** of stars, resonating with Nine Heavens, and speeding up a little.

And I don’t know how long it took, Han Yu Xiaotian’s mind suddenly stopped...


Amidst the enveloping air, it is like cotton wool, like clouds, floating, endless.

This place seems to be empty, only fresh air is transpiring, like the end of the sky.

However, here it seems that there is the most wonderful avenue in the world, which is deafening and enveloping.

When Hanyu Xiaotian’s ray of mind came here unknowingly, he felt the trace of traction that attracted him to here~

The soul of heaven is the immortal "Promise", also known as fetal light.

Tire light, Taiqing Yang and Qi.

And what attracted Hanyu Xiaotian at this time was a group of Taiqingyang and Qi among the countless clear auras.

"This group of fresh air feels so familiar. Is this my heavenly soul?"

With the force of traction, Hanyu Xiaotian's spirit easily found the cloud cluster that attracted him.

Like light, like cotton, like air.

It seems illusory, it seems real, it seems to be far away, and it seems to be near.

"Well, I don't know if this place is the same as the Nine Nether Earth Soul Realm, whether there will be interference from the laws of heaven and earth."

Han Yu Xiaotian's spirit thought for a while, then "stretched out his hand" toward the cloud group.

"Huh? It's really not easy, there are really laws of heaven and earth to block..."

Just when Hanyu Xiaotian's'hand' was about to touch the group of Taiqingyang and Qi, he suddenly felt a layer of light film.

It seemed that there was a layer of invisible energy that isolated the void and also cut off the contact between Hanyu Xiaotian and the group of Qing Qi.


Han Yu Xiaotian now understands why the Xuan-level martial artist named the place where the heavenly soul is.

The diaphragm that his soul touched just now seemed to be a real cage, locking the Qi of Taiqing Yang and He on the Nine Heavens.

Where the sky prison is, the sky soul is difficult to return to.

However, if a profound-level expert in the earth soul realm wants to reclaim his own heavenly soul, he has to break the void cage with the fist intent and the profound mystery he realized during his time in the profound level, so that he can achieve the integration of the three souls of heaven and earth. realm.


Originally, the process of profound understanding of the two souls of heaven and earth would be a very long and arduous process like Dapeng's "water hitting three thousand miles".

Originally, the profound rank powerhouse of the earth soul realm must first realize the heavenly soul that resides in the nine-layer heaven; then, he will pass through the thorns and thorns all the way, cross the heavenly roads such as the nine days of the wind, and finally rise to the nine heavens and come to the sky prison Where, break the prison, reclaim the soul.

This level is full of unimaginable difficulties...