Turn the Universe

Chapter 1573: Five Elements Rune

On the east side of that golden rune, a green line formed, germinated, grew, and became dense~

The endless wood forest roars, rippling greenery that belongs to life and vitality, and these green energies slowly condense, and finally form a vibrant pattern~

Runes of wood.

To the south, the fiery red lines seem to burn the void, containing endless warmth.

The sea of ​​flames soared into the sky, releasing light and heat like stars. Light and heat intertwined and intertwined, forming a violent burning pattern~

Fire runes.

To the north, transparent lines like waves traverse the void, undulating and interspersed repeatedly.

The endless river rushes to the sky, scouring the endless starry sky, moisturizing the growth of all things, and the monstrous waves converge into the surging streamline of all things~

Runes of water.

Finally, in the center of the four runes, a yellow dot appears at the center, from the dot to the surface~

The yellow earth appeared out of thin air, and the thick soil contained everything, all-encompassing, that seemed to be able to carry all the air of the loess, including everything around it~

Rune pattern of soil.

Just a short moment~

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the five elements rune pattern, portrays the timeless void, contains unlimited good fortune~



"You... when did you touch runes?"

Han Yu Shengshi and the elders of the Shenbing Pavilion, touched the beating hearts of himself and others, staring in a daze at the void that was already empty at the moment, and muttered.

This junior, is it because he has a heart attack that he waits for others to get heart disease?

Don't you know that you are too old and can't stand the stimulation?

Too unkind~

"When? Well, after returning from the Zilan Secret Realm, the family gave me a Tianyin Bell as a reward, and I became interested in runes.

After entering the world to practice, I entered the Rune Department of Xinghan University to study..."

Han Yu Xiaotian explained.

He didn't think about the feelings and heart problems of these elders in the family, but just acted according to his own pure heart.

He just wanted to portray the Five Elements Rune, so he did it.

And he didn't want to portray nature, mountains, seas, life and Heluo runes, so he didn't do it.

that is it......

Tianyin Bell~

Hearing Han Yu Xiaotian's words, Han Yu's prosperous age couldn't help being a little speechless.

Because Tianyin Zhong was the so-called prize that he took out from their Shenbing Pavilion in accordance with the instructions of the patriarch.

It's just that what he never expected was that by accident that time, an extra seventh-level rune master would be added to the family!

Although Hanyu Xiaotian just described the five-element rune pattern.


That's all volley depiction!

Several levels of rune masters will not mention it for the time being, just relying on the perfect depiction of the volley of Han Yu Xiaotian just now, it shows that the young man in front of them has achieved a rune pattern, which has far exceeded their immersive rune patterns. Master of runes for decades~

Even Hanyu Shengshi, the pavilion master of the Shenbing Pavilion of the Hanyu family, can only master one or two runes perfectly, and they are not related.

As for Mo Yan, he was almost at the same level as the Han Yu Sheng Shi.

Where can I directly portray the big rune combination of the five elements, like Hanyu Xiaotian?

Just with the hand of Hanyu Xiaotian just now, it represents that this junior of his own family can at least portray the top five rune-patterned magic weapon!