Turn the Universe

Chapter 170: Music Enlightenment (1)

Han Yu Xiaotian pushed the door and walked in. Chen An'er, Wang Yaru, and the music team who accompanied Chen An'er came into view.

There are dozens of instruments in the piano room, including jujube, piano, bass, sas, dulcimer, etc. Most of them are unknown to Han Yu Xiaotian.

"Are you local tyrant?" Wang Yaru greeted Han Yu Xiaotian.

Since Han Yu Xiaotian bought a 40 million jade necklace in the skyscraper, Wang Yaru has always called him that.

"Well, it was just the song you were going to perform in three days, right? I heard it at the door, and it sounds nice."

"Thank you!" Chen An'er said sincerely.

"You practice yours, I will just listen."

Han Yu Xiaotian chose a seat by the window, and watched Chen An'er and the others rehearse while eating breakfast.

If Han Yu Xiaotian's treatment is let Chen An'er's fans know it, I don't know how many people will be envied and hated.

Rehearsal continues~

A good song can often be sung in tears, sing intoxicated, sing passionately, and sing passionately.

And Chen An'er's team obviously reached this level.

I can only hear the endless beautiful music forming rivers and oceans, one wave after another, which makes people unable to distinguish between the head and the tail, and cannot touch the edge.

Han Yu Xiaotian had already stopped eating, his eyes were always looking at the source of the singing in the middle of the field, not people, but voices!

He had never thought that singing could be so beautiful and enter people's hearts so much!

Singing can be like a gurgling stream, washing people's hearts; singing can be like a ray of brilliant sunshine, illuminating people's hearts; singing can be like a gentle spring breeze, blowing away people's sorrow...

At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian’s spirit fluctuates and resonates with Chen An’er’s singing~

What exactly are singing and music? Is it just a human use of sound? But why does it touch yourself so much?

Like... Avenue!

Isn’t the secret mantra in magical powers the unique cry of the ancients to all things in the world? Which resonates with the rules of heaven and earth?

What is the essence of music and mantra? How are they related?

They are by no means just a tool, but...a human emotion, the cry of creatures, but also a call of life, to beauty, to survival, to the sky, to all things...

Han Yu Xiaotian's originally hollow eyes gradually recovered, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, he stood up and walked towards the piano~~

Chen An'er has just finished rehearsing a song, and at this time she is recruiting the luthier and the team to study some details.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard a few harsh sounds like those played by a beginner piano.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound. At this moment, there was a figure sitting beside the piano, it was Hanyu Xiaotian.

I saw Hanyu Xiaotian using the index fingers of both hands to press a key, light, heavy, slow, and urgently, seeming to be constantly testing something.

The luthier, who was thinking about how to improve the tune according to Chen An'er's requirements, suddenly saw the inexplicable Han Yu Xiaotian sitting by his piano and was suddenly upset.

"Hey, that guy, what are you doing? Come down quickly!"

Wang Yaru and Chen An'er also glanced at each other, and inexplicable puzzlement flashed in their eyes, what is he doing? Trouble?

"Local tyrant! What are you doing? Don't play the piano if you don't know how to play it. Do you think art is so simple? It has nothing to do with money!"

Wang Yaru obviously believes that it is impossible for local tyrants who have not been educated by aristocrats for a long time to understand art.