Turn the Universe

Chapter 1718: Seven-star celestial body

Along with the fragmentation and reorganization of the hundreds of millions of cells in Hanyu Xiaotian's body, it is manifested in the macroscopic view of his body, and his flesh and blood, muscles and bones, and internal organs, etc., are constantly being broken and reorganized.

But every time this shattering and reorganization, the flesh and blood will become stronger, and the bones will become harder.

The meridians are disconnected and twisted, the bones are extremely dense, the muscle fibers are thickly entangled, the heartbeat like thunder, the river is rushing blood...

The pain of the overall fragmentation and reorganization of the whole body's cells is really hard to describe in words, like countless small knives cutting his entire body flesh and blood inch by inch, like cutting his entire life into countless pieces, still intangible.

Even for a moment, it seemed that Hanyu Xiaotian felt his body disappeared...

He hadn't thought that this situation would happen if the native physique of King Mori was upgraded from six stars to seven stars.

The last time he was promoted from five-star to six-star, he didn't feel this way at all, but he was promoted naturally.

"Could it be~ this kind of physique, stepping from six stars to seven stars, is a big step forward, so that's why..."

At this moment, Han Yu Xiaotian thought of the ancient warrior's road to advancement.

The ancient warriors from the common rank to the heaven rank, if they are within the same rank, they usually just follow the steps step by step, and slowly advance step by step.

However, if you want to step from the ordinary stage to the yellow stage, from the yellow stage to the mysterious stage, from the profound stage to the ground stage, and from the ground stage to the heavenly stage, it is a step forward on a large level, and you need to break through the walls with great difficulty, even if in the end I might be stuck at the bottleneck for my whole life~

But at this time, is this the case in my own situation?

"I said why after reaching the six-star peak this time, there was no movement. Even after I ate so many ancient beast barbecues, I still saw no signs of promotion.

It turned out that this is going to a huge step, does it require a huge world of vitality to break the wall?

But... his grandma's hurts too much..."

Han Yu Xiaotian flawed his imaginary tooth, with an expression of "pain".

In fact, this feeling of fragmentation and reorganization of the whole body's cells included all his teeth and facial organs. They are no longer in Hanyu Xiaotian's nerve perception...


The pain is like a tide, invading continuously one after another, layer by layer from the inside of Hanyu Xiaotian's cells, bit by bit.

This huge creature inner alchemy didn't know how many tens of thousands of years it took to form, and it was connected to the essence and blood of this behemoth undersea.

The aura of the world of mountains and seas contained in it is really huge.

If we only talk about the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in the body, it may not be comparable to the extremely yin energy contained in Yinshan Mountain, but among the fierce beast barbecue Hanyu Xiaotian eats, this behemoth is definitely Among all the fierce beasts Hanyu Xiaotian had seen, the one with the strongest vitality of heaven and earth.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth, like the Yangtze River, turned into an endless torrent of energy rushing through Hanyu Xiaotian's body. This energy was so magnificent that it turned into energy dragons, roaring and impacting among the flesh and bones of Hanyu Xiaotian. .....

When people are in pain, they always feel that time is extraordinarily long.

Han Yu Xiaotian felt this pain, like an endless dark road, unable to see the end.

But in this kind of pain, he couldn't sleep at all, he could only stand up abruptly...
