Turn the Universe

Chapter 1745: Weird blood fog

"Dear son of the **** Kun, this is the place where the head of the suppressed Xiangliu was decapitated. This is contaminated by the blood of the nine-headed willow, so that for so many years, no grass grows, no grains grow, and even the river is polluted."

Pali of the Kuntu tribe quickly explained to Han Yu Xiaotian.

"Oh? But, how do I feel the strange blood here~"

Han Yu Xiaotian twitched his nose twice, as if there was something wrong.

"What? Son of God Kun, what's wrong with you?.."

Pali of the Kuntu tribe became nervous when he heard the words, and he stopped following the steps of other tribes to the Gonggongtai.

Of course, they are nervous about the premonitions of their tribe's divine residence.

"We haven't been here for a long time, um, son of God Kun, then you..."

Due to the evil power of Xiang Liu suppressed in the Gonggong Valley, the major tribes of the North Sea Island would not come here easily.

So they don't have a clear understanding of the changes here, they just feel that the evil and poisonous power still remains here now.

At this time, the leader of the Kuntu tribe, Bali, was observing the Gonggong Valley dignifiedly and nervously, and wanted to ask Hanyu Xiaotian to express it. However, before he could finish his words, the next scene made their eyes suddenly. Stare round~


With a sound like a bullet shooting into the human body, a native of an intestinal tribe burst into a blood hole in the neck, and then, blood burst out of that blood hole as if it were not for money!


There was a scream, but it was only a moment before the indigenous people of the intestinal tribe seemed to have all the blood flowing out, and the whole body was in a bloodless state, like a corpse, falling down...


Before the people of the major tribes near the Gonggongtai could react, since the people of the intestinal tribe, there were successive bangs and dull noises~

Then, one by one aboriginal people began to burst into blood holes, and the blood splashed like rain, and the originally dark red and yellow ground in the valley was dyed bright red again, extremely strange...

"What happened? What happened to them?"

"What on earth is there? Is it Sang Liu's power?"

"It seems that there is really an evil power~"


The weird scene caused the people of the major tribes who were already a little nervous to panic.

But the scene that panicked their hearts did not stop at all because of their fear~

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of tribal natives fell again, and even the giants of Kuafu's clan, who had no resistance at all, exploded into large blood holes and turned into corpses.

At the same time, with bursts of blood, a gloomy energy does not know where it came from~

In an instant, the cold energy combined with the sprayed blood turned into blood mists, floating away, and in a blink of an eye, the entire Gonggong Valley was covered, like a blood valley...




As the strange blood mist drifted away, the totems believed by the major tribes and the roar of the fierce beasts shook the valley, with great power, gravel flying around, and rivers surging.

However, whether it is Juli or Weird Roar, all this seems to have no effect at all for Blood Mist.

This mist is getting thicker and thicker, and at the same time, there are more tribal natives who keep falling...