Turn the Universe

Chapter 1790: Great famine situation

During this period of time, all kinds of great medicines, treasures, ancient orthodoxy, etc., have opportunities to increase the strength of human powers.

And around all of this, the major forces, strong men, and factions of mankind have also begun to compete endlessly.

All kinds of wars are constantly being staged and blood is flowing.

Especially coupled with the countless tribal natives and fierce beasts in the Great Wilderness, all parties fought together, making the current Great Wilderness extremely chaotic and bloody.

However, at the same time, the human powers are constantly being born~

Many powerful people have stepped into the way of the earth through various opportunities such as the great medicine, ancient Taoism, mountain and sea pearls they have found, and have become the top existence of human power in the mountain and sea world...

And the birth of these top powerhouses also allowed human beings who entered the world of mountains and seas to begin to re-divide a new pattern of forces~

For example, the Tian* Dynasty, headed by the three imperial clans of Amaterasu, Wind Demon, and Naruto, ruled the families, wealthy clans, genres, and ninjas of the major heaven* dynasties, forming several very powerful forces.

These forces looted all kinds of treasures of chance in the mountains and seas, unscrupulously.

Abu Diga’s side is led by the cold weather under the Throne of the Holy Abyss. It is said that it has discovered and inherited an ancient Pluto order in the mountain and sea world. Its strength is unpredictable and has become the most powerful existence on the Abu Diga side. Gathered most of Abu Diga's forces and commanded one side.

As for the China side, it is still the strongest, and the strong are like clouds, but it is also the most chaotic.

After more than three months of ups and downs, hundreds of thousands of China’s major powers have also gained great opportunities and stepped into the ground~

For example, if you find the ancient tomb of the magic dragon, the prince of the black dragon who inherits the real magic dragon tradition, is overbearing and invincible.

For example, the celestial martial master of the celestial path, fusion of the laws of mountains and seas, the celestial poles six changes profound skills, step into the realm of the underground palace, invincible mountains and seas.

For example, Yuchi Huaqing, who has inherited the ancient Tianyuan Taoist mystical orthodoxy, was born in Holy Armor in the sky.

There is also the mysterious Nine Yin Sect, the hermit family, the peerless powerhouse...


These top powerhouses have gathered many warriors around each other, forming a powerful force.

Especially the ancient Demon Dragon Dao, the ancient Tianyuan Dao, and some peerless powerhouses, through tyrannical means, barbarically gathered many warriors for their drive to compete in the great wilderness.

In addition, it is the scattered forces of some third parties.

They have the largest number and the most chaotic.

They are not willing to join any power group, they just want to find opportunities independently. But in this way, although they are free, they are also much less competitive while fighting for opportunities.

Moreover, their mortality rate is also the highest.

And the current Qianyaomen is one of these third-party forces.

The complex situation in the great wilderness of the mountains and seas has also caused small forces such as the Qianyaomen to dare not go deep into the center and can only find some opportunities in the periphery...


"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect that in this mountain and sea world, the mountains, sea pearls, and ancient Taoist lines were born... and many ground-level powerhouses were born... Is it so complicated now?"

After listening to these Qianyaomen's whispers, Hanyu Xiaotian murmured to himself...
