Turn the Universe

Chapter 241: Subvert cognition

Han Yu Xiaotian's figure is so natural, and his shots are so casual, without a trace of fireworks, a seventh-level high-ranking martial artist is bound to his hands.

Wu Liancheng thinks about the big opening and closing, fierce and powerful, ready-made crit, etc., which he used in the past. It is as naive and ridiculous as a child.

As for Li Ya, a gentle and half-hearted junior martial artist Yixue who does not practice martial arts, although they are not very clear about the mystery of this, they all know one thing: a seventh-level high-level martial artist has lost to this teenage boy with one move!

So what kind of realm is he? Tenth-level martial arts master?

"Wu Liancheng, do you feel something?"

"Master Han Yu, even stupid, unable to comprehend."

"Well, it's okay, as long as you practice hard and hard, one day you will achieve something. When you reach the day, you can come to me. I can give you a suggestion, first cultivate to the sixth-level martial artist as soon as possible, and then Go to Guxia Academy to try."

Of course Wu Liancheng of the Ancient Xia Academy knew that he originally wanted to go to the Huaxia Ancient Academy in a few years, but he became more determined after hearing what Han Yu Xiaotian said.

"All the suggestions are given to you. Whether you can meet the conditions will depend on your future development. If you can't, then we are all due to this." Han Yu smiled silently.

Yes, every member of the Han Yu clan who was born and experienced will gradually have his own followers. Wu Liancheng’s heart of being a strong person touched Han Yu Xiaotian, so today he gave you Wu Liancheng a promotion for the future. As for whether it can be achieved , It depends on Wu Liancheng himself.

If Wu Liancheng has reached it, what will be waiting for him in the future may be a wonderful world that no one else can imagine in his entire life. If he hasn't even passed this first level, then nothing will be discussed.

"Okay, it's not early. Let's do it today. By the way, Miss Li Yarou, you should stay here today. I'm afraid we will bother you tomorrow morning."

"Oh, good."

Li Yarou was still in a trance, and did not hear the meaning of Han Yu's laughter.

Today, except for Hanyu Xiaotian and Leng Yu, everyone is destined to be a sleepless night. The appearance of Hanyu Xiaotian subverted their original cognition.

Where did this boy emerge from?

Why have they never heard of such a character before?

At this moment, how can these people not understand that the relationship between Hanyu Xiaotian and the Hanyu Peak that made them awe is not what they imagined before, and Hanyu Xiaotian’s identity is probably even bigger than Hanyu Peak. Many.

Yixue understood the respectful attitude of Han Yu Xiaotian when he saw Han Yu Xiaotian in Tissot's Zhonghan Yu peak a year ago.

At the same time, there was a movement in her heart, she remembered that Han Yu Dingsheng said that he would participate in a martial arts competition, and Han Yu Dingsheng, as a sixth-level martial artist, even said that he had no chance of winning.

Could it be...

This night, Yixue, Li Yarou, Qiuyan and their hearts were messed up. They seemed to feel that in the world they were accustomed to, there seemed to be another world that they could not touch...

Early in the morning, the morning sun slowly rises, it is as big as a disk, dripping with bright red, but not dazzling.

Silky warm currents are floating, dancing with the breeze, wherever it falls, there will be warmth.

Open the window, fresh air comes oncoming, take a deep breath, suddenly feel a refreshing flow throughout the body, every cell is awakened, and the meridians are connected.

"Yixue, we're leaving, contact me if you miss me! Hehe." Li Yarou hugged Yixue, turned and boarded the floating car and drove away.