Turn the Universe

Chapter 248: catastrophe

When Li Feng was thinking like everyone else, Han Yu Xiaotian's voice suddenly appeared in Li Feng's mind again.

This is the transmission of sound into the secret, a martial art that can only be practiced by advanced warriors. The principle is to use the strong inner breath of the warrior to restrain the sound and send it to the target's ear, while others cannot hear it.

Han Yu Xiaotian has no inner breath, but he has a higher level of consciousness.

After a while, Li Feng stood up.

"Several presidents, everyone, this is the end of the matter. What is needed most is that everyone can unite and discuss practical ideas and plans to advance and retreat together. I will first talk about my opinions and give everyone a start."

After attracting everyone’s attention, Li Feng said again: “I’ll make sure of my proposition first, but I can’t just let it go. We must give the other party enough punishment to get back the benefits we deserve. Then the next step is The question of how to do it.

Let’s not talk about the Panlong Wuguan Alliance. Just now President Yu talked about the medicinal monopoly incident. The business community, underground forces, and members of the Communist Party all participated behind the scenes. As for the business community, I would like to use the strength of everyone present to encircle each other. What will be the problem. "

Hearing this, many people nodded subconsciously.

Yes, those people who came today don't have a net worth of over 100 million?

If they unite to fight business, they are confident that the other party can't turn over.

After everyone digested it for a while, Li Feng said again: "Speaking of underground forces, I don't think anyone in this room has ever come into contact with underground forces?"

No one objected to this.

Is there any company in the pharmaceutical industry that has not smuggled medicinal materials through the channels of underground forces?

So they have their own collaborators in the underground world, and some even cultivate their own underground spokespersons.

"We have lost a lot in this incident, and I think our underground partners will also have losses! The underground forces are all about their interests, and they will certainly not feel comfortable if they lose!

In this case, we will mobilize our respective underground collaborators and promise certain benefits. I think they will automatically help us to level the underground black hands of this incident! "

Hearing the eyes of everyone here, Li Fengti's method is indeed feasible!

"As for the last member of the **, I think we rely on our contacts. Of course, the most important ones are the contacts of the presidents. It should be no problem to stabilize this one first?

When we finished the work and cooked the uncooked rice, he was helpless.

As for whether there is anyone behind him, we can only take one step to see. "

Li Feng frowned. In fact, the businessmen were most afraid of dealing with military officials, followed by those warriors who were fearless and fearless.

At this time, the atmosphere of the venue has recovered a lot, at least everyone no longer feels desperate.

In fact, the remarks just now were made by Hanyu Xiaotian's concise and concise guidance. Li Feng carefully analyzed the pros and cons, and found that what Hanyu Xiaotian said was actually feasible. He made it through his own rhetoric. This effect.

At this moment, Li Feng truly admires the 16- or 7-year-old from the main house. A group of old people who have been in the mall for many years have not thought of a way, but let people think of it.

In fact, it’s not that Hanyu Xiaotian’s experience is richer than everyone else. It’s really that the Panlong Wuguan Alliance and the behind-the-scenes players who participated have put too much pressure on everyone, including the president, and they dare not even think about breaking the game. Way.

Unlike Han Yu Xiaotian, he didn't have any pressure.

All he needs to think about is how to handle this matter simply and efficiently, and then go to Guxia Academy to see the genius warriors of the entire Earth China gathered there.

As the so-called authorities are fans, bystanders are clear.

The positions of the two are different, and the way of thinking is of course different...