Turn the Universe

Chapter 252: Fixed plan

Chairman Yu nodded: "Well, since we all agree, it's easy to say.

My suggestion is that if you need to go back and arrange, go back and arrange as soon as possible. If you don't go back, try to stay in Shengjing, and integrate the power in your hands as soon as possible, and be ready to fight each other.

You need to be prepared for the transfer of funds that is enough to defeat the other side's business forces. You can contact the underground forces first, but don't act rashly. It will not be too late for me to find out all the participants.

From the official side, I will find a way to deal with it. As for the Panlong Wuguan Alliance..."

Chairman Yu thought carefully for a few minutes, and finally felt that it was feasible before he made up his mind.

"As for the Panlong Wuguan Alliance, we are divided into two steps: I am responsible for contacting several presidents of the Tianxing Wuguan. Some of their senior officials have had many contacts with us, and they should be interested in this news.

There are still too many uncertain factors within Panlong Alliance, and it is better to be cautious.

I suggest that we first release the gossip through our own contacts, let these ‘inadvertently’ drift into the Panlong Alliance, and see their reaction. Then we waited for the opportunity. "

As the president of the Earth China Pharmaceutical Association, he is also the final decision maker in this upcoming battle. President Yu is undoubtedly the most pressured, so his plan of action is based on security, and then he decides to act.

Han Yu Xiaotian can understand this, and he doesn't lack this time.

In his plan, the Guxia Academy's exams will be held a month later. During this period, he intends to complete the task assigned by the family, and then go to see Hanyu Peak. Anyway, he just came to Shengjing.

Moreover, in his opinion, the progress of this matter may not be as protracted as the President Yu envisioned.

The other party is acting so secretly, it obviously doesn't want some people to know.

But now it has been almost half a year since they first started, and it is basically impossible to keep such a big thing hidden.

Therefore, Han Yu Xiaotian guessed that the other party's goal should have been basically achieved. At this time, if there is any disturbance, it will immediately be a showdown, and it will affect the whole body!

Therefore, this matter can never be delayed for too long, it is very likely to be a direct hit.

But Hanyu Xiaotian didn't tell everyone this speculation. Isn't he just waiting for the opponent to showdown?

In this way, he can handle this "little matter" as quickly as possible, and then continue to feel his magical powers.

"In the next few days, I will mobilize people to extract as many participants as possible behind the scenes based on the current clues, and then we will make these people pay a heavy price to compensate for our losses.

The last thing I want to say is, everyone, once this matter starts, we won’t be allowed to back down. I hope we can all unite and go all out! "

After speaking, Chairman Yu took a deep look at Han Yu Xiaotian, and then left immediately.

The other vice-chairmen did not leave in a hurry, but went down to communicate with a few friends they were familiar with from afar before leaving.

The eldest President Chen also came over to talk with Han Yu Xiaotian and gave him a good compliment.

In the end, this meeting that did not know how many people could change the fate was over, but everyone could feel that in the near future, the entire Earth China might be shocked by a huge storm covering various fields such as finance, underground forces, and warriors. Will come.