Turn the Universe

Chapter 263: Heart Refining in the Red Dust (2)

At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian's temperament changed slightly.

Maybe a woman's sixth sense is really strong. Li Ya Ruan Yixue, who is more familiar with Han Yu Xiaotian, felt something in her heart. At this moment, they suddenly felt that Han Yu Xiaotian had changed, but they couldn't tell the specifics.

If they insist, even if Hanyu Xiaotian was standing next to them, they still feel that they are actually very far away from him, and they feel like they are close to the horizon.

But now Hanyu Xiaotian seems to have become...closer to them.

Others didn't notice this, and their hearts were still in the worries they just had.

"Normal? What does Brother Hanyu mean?"

Hanyu smiled, who had just come back to his senses, and laughed: "Frankly speaking, what you said just now... I didn't think about it before."


Han Yu Xiaotian was telling the truth. Although he seemed to have analyzed the truth of the incident and the various contradictions and difficulties faced by the opponent at the time, he ignored the true strength and hole cards that the opponent might have.

In fact, this is not to blame Han Yu Xiaotian, after all, his life experience is too little, and the water in the secular world is much deeper than what he can see with his eyes.

Laser weapons, mechas, ten-level martial arts masters who control thousands of warriors!

Once the martial arts cultivation base reaches the tenth level, it will pass through the two channels of Ren Du, the meridians of the whole body are connected, the internal strength can be endless, the martial arts can be refined, and the decay is turned into magic. Every move has great power.

It can be said that anyone who can reach this level in martial arts is made through hard work and hard work.

A ninth-level martial artist is good, but a tenth-level martial artist is hard to see!

This is also a popular saying in the martial arts world.

If one could find a thousand or eight hundred martial artists in the world of the earth, the tenth-level martial artist could count it with both hands, and there would never be more than twenty hidden on the surface!

All of them are like iron, dragons among men.

This is also the reason why a warrior will automatically be called a ‘Grandmaster’ once he reaches level ten.

Before Hanyu Xiaotian had taken it for granted, he thought that the quality of the martial arts of the secular world was so low, so the tenth-level master would definitely not be much better.

Now his spirit has just broken through a barrier, and his perception of things has risen to a higher level. At this time, he has vaguely realized that this tenth-level martial artist in the secular world will definitely not be like what he had before. I think so weak.

Other geniuses like myself, including the family, may not be inferior to ordinary tenth-level martial artists in terms of power, or may be much stronger, but the so-called geniuses in terms of character, will, and experience are far inferior to each other. .

"Perhaps this is the reason why the family requires members of the tribe who have reached the age of eighteen to enter the world. Blindly hard practice will eventually achieve limited success. Only after reading all the great things, can it be possible to achieve success, continue to grow, and eventually be able to Shelter the family from wind and rain."

Han Yu Xiaotian thought silently.

The starting point is too high, but lacks the perception and cultivation of ordinary warriors from the bottom step by step. Although they have the strength of tenth-level warriors, their xinxing cannot be reached, which is very detrimental to future growth.

At this level of comprehension, Han Yu Xiaotian felt that the barrier to the next level had weakened a lot.

It's a long story, but in Han Yu Xiaotian's thoughts, these thoughts are actually just an instant matter.