Turn the Universe

Chapter 279: Horizontal branches (two)

The eldest and most qualified Vice President Chen's eyes flickered, and a powerful breath that belonged to the pinnacle of a senior warrior gushed out.

"You abolished their inner interest dantian without using a single move? It even includes a senior warrior? How did you do it?"

Vice President Chen's question is also the question of everyone in the room. They have difficulty understanding how such a thing could happen.

Yu Miao, the president of the Medical Association, who is also a ninth-level warrior, also stood upright.

It is not difficult for him to defeat a high-level martial artist and two sixth-level martial artists, but if they do not move their dantian energy in one move, he believes that he does not have that ability. At this moment, he also wants to know Han How Yu Xiaotian did it.

Of course Hanyu Xiaotian couldn't be affected by the oppression of the outside world. He just replied honestly: "You don't understand it.

Let Hanyu Xiaotian be a group of people who may not even have heard of magical powers, how to abandon others' inner breath? This is no different from playing the piano to a cow.

"You must have used some despicable means? Hidden weapon? Poison? Or some high-tech biochemical weapon? I have never heard of someone who can abolish other people's dantian internal breath without any move! Even a senior Martial artist! Hmph, I think you don't necessarily know how powerful a senior martial artist is, right?"

It was Xu Lang who had been beaten by Hanyu Xiaotian who said this. Of course, he would not admit that Hanyu Xiaotian, who is younger than himself, would be so powerful, even if he was defeated by Hanyu Xiaotian. I think it was caused by my own carelessness.

Although Xu Lang was a selfish guess, his words gave other people a lot of reverie.

"Yes, it is impossible for someone to do such a thing. Even a tenth-level martial arts master is unlikely. Maybe he really has something in his body that can dissolve the weird items that destroy the inner breath of others!"

Many people thought to themselves.

Except for Li Feng and Li Ya Ruan Yixue, everyone in the field had their own guesses about this matter, even Yu Qing and others who were on the scene at the time thought so.

Yu Miao, the president of the Medical Association, made eye contact with several other vice presidents, and then coughed.

"Ah, since the little brother Han Yu is unwilling to explain, let's not force it. The problem now is that the little brother Han Yu and the people of our Medical Association were together at that time, which means that the other party is likely to think this The behavior of our medical association!

And this is not a simple martial arts fight, but the little brother Han Yu directly abolished the opponent's inner breath dantian. I am afraid that the other party will not let it go! "

After Yu Miao expressed his worry, the people in the court were also silent.

Yes, internal breath and dantian are the lifeblood of martial artists. At the age of Li Yifeng and Zhao Yingjie, even if healed and started practicing from scratch, his life's achievements would be limited.

Such a thing, with the status of the Zhao family, one of the four great underground forces, and the Li family, the leader of the Panlong Alliance, one of the three top forces, can they give up?

Originally, the other party had already sent someone to contact, but such a thing suddenly happened, can the peaceful settlement just discussed still be implemented smoothly?

"Beep, President Yu, there are two messages requesting to enter the headquarters. The other party claimed to be the Li Family of the Panlong Alliance and the Zhao Family of the Underground World!"


The hearts of the people in the venue are tight.

"Directly to the meeting room!"

"Yes, Chairman Yu."