Turn the Universe

Chapter 30: Hunch

With this discovery, Hanyu Xiaotian also probably understood the situation of these trialers. Although they entered together one after another, they should be randomly assigned to different places by the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. They are here. What needs to be done in the middle is nothing more than to keep running one's inner breath to sense the martial arts stars that suit oneself.

And as the elder who guards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion said, those martial arts stars will also choose their masters based on the aura of the incoming person, but relatively speaking, the lower the level of martial arts, the easier it is to integrate with people; the higher the level of martial arts, the spirituality The higher, the more critical they are, and they will not easily choose to integrate with others.

Han Yu Xiaotian decided to try his guess. He started to fly quickly to the yellow star closest to him. Sure enough, before he got close, the yellow star flickered, as if he had noticed something generally "brushed". It flew to the distance at once, and a few flashes disappeared...

Sure enough! Han Yu Xiaotian didn't feel depressed, he had already determined the rules here, and what he was going to do now was to find the key to unlock the universe in his mind.

Han Yu Xiaotian has a premonition in the dark. This will be the most important turning point in his life. He will start his true journey of seeking Tao here.

Not long after entering the Buddhist scripture pavilion, other people slowly discovered the mystery here.

"Hmph, I am the real genius of the family, I will find the strongest martial arts here, overwhelming all competitors!" A young man with an arrogant look and a hot breath declared in a domineering tone.

"After I merge with martial arts, I will definitely catch up with my eldest brother and let others see the heroism of our twin heroes."

"I must succeed, only in this way can I save my family! Can I be worthy of all the people who hope in me" A weak, pale youth is cheering himself up, this person is entering the Qi Pavilion with Han Yu Xiaotian. Han Yu Xiaoxin.

"Han Yu Xiaotian, this waste material, you should feel desperate after nothing has been gained from here? And from now on, Han Yu Huamao will spread my wings and fly high, stamping your veins under my feet, and then see how you are. I beg for mercy in front of me!"

Han Yu Duo Feng, Han Yu Sheng Xi, all the Han Yu family children who entered the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion were heartbroken and began their own misty journey.

"Aye, um, which **** is talking about me?" Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help rubbing his nose.

It is impossible to calculate the time and space position here, and Han Yu Xiaotian also knows that ninety-nine percent of the stars here are not related to him, so he didn't take the effort, just wandering aimlessly.

At this time, he also had to believe in the illusory thing of chance and luck, because he couldn't find any direction for his efforts except by relying on Universiade.

Others can always work **** their own, anyway, a little more chance of encountering martial arts that suits them.

And he would look for one or several stars that might be destined to him among these hundreds of thousands and millions of stars, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I am afraid that Hanyu Xiaotian is the most leisurely in the martial arts starry sky of the entire Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. He wandered around while observing the arrangement and operation of the martial arts starry sky in the Tibetan scripture pavilion, and then contrasted it with the stars of the universe in his mind, and constantly recalled the principles and principles he had seen in the library.

I don't know if his state is in line with the desireless state of mind in the Taoist scriptures, and slowly he releases the inexplicable Tao Yun.

When Hanyu Xiaotian was immersed in his comprehension, an extremely dim star seemed to perceive something in a fringe area far away from him. After a few flashes, it suddenly burst into an extremely bright light. Some originally shining floating stars were directly pushed out, and then disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye, and they flew straight toward Hanyu Xiaotian's position.