Turn the Universe

Chapter 318: Undercurrents (2)

"Forget it, anyway, they have reached the intermediate martial artist, the possibility of self-protection is still relatively high. This time it is a test for them!" The middle-aged man looked firmly in Shengjing's direction.

In a high-end villa in Shengjing City.

"Mr. Xiao, according to your instructions, I have contacted the'Tiansheng Security Company', and they agreed to do their best to **** our group within the next week, but the commission is also very high!"

"Well, Tiansheng Security has always been providing high-end services. Their strength is also one of the best in Shengjing. This incident is not trivial. I believe they should also be aware of one or two. If this is the case, they are still willing to take orders. They can give as much as they want, and they can make more money when they are gone. There is only one life."

"Yes, Mr. Xiao. What about the headquarters?"

"Don't worry, Chairman Han Yu had expected a battle with the Zhao family a long time ago, and there are plenty of back-hands prepared for this! We only need to ensure the safety of our side."

Similar situations are still happening in many places...

The game between Han Yuzhan and the Zhao family has entered the final stage of the decisive battle. Both sides are secretly deploying troops and generals, and even many peripheral forces and their respective allies that were not in Shengjing City have continuously sent masters to gather in Shengjing City.

The two sides are intensively arranging various links, striving to be considerate in all aspects and have an advantage.

The Panlong Li family did not take any action because they wanted to avoid suspicion, but these days they are also loose on the outside but tight on the inside. The direct affiliated forces under the Li family have all received orders to secretly gather their personnel and gather momentum to send them on their behalf.

Although the Patriarch of the Li Family will not personally take action, nor will he mobilize the Panlong Alliance on a large scale, the members of the Li Family are still confident that as long as their masters of the Li Family are dispatched, it will be enough to crush the cold of one of the four major players in the underground world Yujia.

It is not impossible to even kill them all at once. This is the absolute confidence possessed by the leader of the Panlong Alliance, one of the three top forces on Earth China.

Although ordinary people can't detect these frequent actions, how can they hide it from other forces that are also in the "jianghu"?

Many big forces are aware of it, and they have begun to pay close attention to the actions of both sides.

The China Medical Association is naturally one of the forces that closely followed this incident.

At this moment, in the deliberation hall of the headquarters of China Medical Association, with the exception of a few people such as Li Feng, most of the big names in the medical industry who gathered at the beginning did not leave. Instead, they met with the chairman Yu Miao and several vice-chairmen The president and some important members of the headquarters of the Medical Association were discussing something with brows.

"Chairman Yu, although the Zhao family and the Panlong Li family have reopened the channels of Tianshilan and Tenjincao, they have always detained my son and refused to let them go. If the other party loses patience, then my son Isn't it... When do you think you will negotiate with them again?"

The head of a medical family said to Yu Miao with bloodshot eyes.

Another person next to him also anxiously agreed: "That is, President Yu, all of us who were captured by them are now being held by them. This is not a problem. What do they mean? Isn't it? Are you planning to return it?"

Others who had family members or disciples detained also urged Chairman Yu to negotiate with each other again on their behalf.