Turn the Universe

Chapter 324: Guess (1)

"Li Tianfeng has always claimed to be the No. 1 player in the Panlong Alliance, and he always talks about overwhelming power. He is really falling back into trouble!"

"You said that this time the Zhao family provokes the Han Yu family, can it be Li Tianfeng and the others behind it?"

"It's not impossible! It's just that we still don't know what Li Tianfeng is thinking.."

"Sister Sun, you have always been the think tank of our Panlong Alliance. What do you think of the behavior of the Li family in recent times?"

At this moment, the only woman among the crowd seemed to be thinking absently, and she came back to her senses when she heard someone asking herself.

She looked around at the rest of the people with a dignified expression: "These are actually trivial things. What I worry about is... Have you not noticed that Li Tianfeng has never appeared since the incident three years ago? "

"That incident three years ago? You mean... Sky Blue Crystal?"

"Yes! That's the meteorite that claims to be able to help the tenth-level martial arts master break through the bottleneck of the yellow rank: Sky Blue Crystal!"

"Didn't the sky blue crystal end in a clue? What does this have to do with Li Tianfeng?"

"Huh, the appearance of the sky aquamarine has caused endless blood and blood. How many masters died for the death of Huangquan, and even our three major forces have suffered severe damage, but the sky aquamarine has disappeared under the eyelids of our masters!

Don’t you think it’s strange all these years? "

"After what you said, I think about it, the inexplicable disappearance of Azure Crystal was indeed full of doubts.

I haven't doubted it over the years, and I didn't even lie to you. I sent someone to investigate secretly for a year, but I still found nothing. "

Hearing this person finished speaking, no one else had any unexpected expressions. Obviously, they might have done similar things.

When the speaker saw the expressions of the crowd, he stunned for a while, and then he understood something.

He nodded and continued: "The attraction of Azure Crystal to any warrior is fatal, so at that time we believed that Azure Crystal should have been obtained by chance and hidden by everyone.

But at that time, our three major forces had already turned the area where the sky blue crystal disappeared more than a hundred times, but still couldn't find it. I really can't think of where it went. "

At this time, the woman surnamed Sun, known as the think tank, spoke again: "But what if it is the hands and feet of the insiders of our three major forces?"

The person on the side frowned slightly: "But at that time we also investigated each other carefully? Besides, our three major forces had already made an agreement at the time to obtain the Azure Crystal and participate in the research together. Who would risk offending everyone? How about taking chestnuts from the fire?"

The woman surnamed Sun said: "Our investigations are basically all point-to-stop, especially for people on their own side! Let alone the investigations of the tenth-level martial arts masters, they are basically just doing things. That's it.

As for offending the world? Humph! As long as anyone can break through to the Huangtian realm, what can he do to offend the world? "

Everyone also acquiesced to hearing the words of a woman surnamed Sun.

Once a tenth-level martial artist is promoted to a strong yellow rank, it will basically be an invincible existence on earth! If such a treasure has the opportunity, everyone wants to take it for himself, so how can they be willing to share it with others?

The woman surnamed Sun then said: "Although I didn't find any clues back then, my intuition told me that the disappearance of the azure crystal was related to Li Tianfeng!

Even today, I still feel this way! Although I don't have any direct evidence, I trust my intuition more than evidence! "