Turn the Universe

Chapter 333: Mountain rain is coming, wind is full of

Under the oppression of the Zhao family and the Li family of the Panlong Alliance, the Medical Association acted on their own people in order to calm down the situation and escorted them to the other party. The most important thing is that the result has not yet kept Han Yu Xiaotian.

How can the Medical Association not hold on to something like this? Wan Qiang was so embarrassed to show the embarrassment of these presidents and chairman.

Zhu Qi asked Gu Yi again: "The Han Yu family... well, what do you think will be the outcome of the conflict between the Han Yu family and the Zhao family?"

"The result? This conflict was actually initiated by the Zhao family. Now it seems that the Panlong Li family is completely on the Zhao family's side, and even this matter is basically led by the Li family.

This power has already exceeded the baseline that the Han Yu family can withstand, and it is possible that Yamamoto Road of the Japanese country may get in. In this case, it would be difficult to turn around if the Han Yu family had no hole cards. By the way, Elder Zhu, don't you plan to stop it this time? "

Zhu Qi's muddy eyes flashed coldly: "Stop it? Why stop it? The underground world should have been cleansed long ago. It's just that the person who considered the four great influences in society is relatively large, and the actions underneath are more careful. There has been no rectification.

If it was me...huh. Now it's best for them to do it by themselves, so I don't have to look anxious. "

Zhuang Yifan snorted contemptuously and "snorted": "Don't say it is too nice, maybe some of your important officials are not clean? At least I know that several high-levels have an unclear relationship with the underground world. "

Although Zhuang Yifan wears the name ‘Chief Advisor of Ancient Martial Arts of the State Council’, he has never regarded himself as a member of the government. In his heart, he only values ​​the Guxia Academy.

Zhu Qi replied: "I have already ordered them. If they jump in without knowing this time, don't blame me."

Gu Yi of course also heard Zhu Qi’s faint killing intent in the tone of the head of the Earth China III. He couldn’t help sighing that, in the eyes of outsiders, the levels involved in the shuffle of the underground world powers were so complicated. .

The Prajna wisdom he cultivated kept running, and he couldn't help but suddenly said: "I don't know why I have a hunch that the young man named Hanyu Xiaotian may bring us some kind of surprise in the near future."

Zhu Qi and Zhuang Yifan were taken aback first, and then Zhuang Yifan murmured: "Surprise? No one on Earth has been able to surprise me for a long time, Han Yu Xiaotian... I hope. That Li Tianfeng might be able to do it this time. Bring me some surprises?".

Zhu Qi also nodded in agreement: "Gu Yi, your premonition has always been accurate, let us wait and see this time."


It is the rain and the wind all over the building!

Unknowingly, two more days passed. In the evening, the evening had already faded, and the night had already spread.

I don't know why, the city of Shengjing was exceptionally quiet this night. The tall parasol tree was illuminated by the dazzling white street lamp. In the black night sky, there was a circle of green, sometimes the night wind that was blown by it fluttered with a soft rustle, and it disappeared into infinite tranquility for only a while.

Wangbei Street is one of the most lively places in Shengjing City at night, but at this time it is off the beaten track.

The street gangsters in twos and threes were talking head-to-head. The vendors selling goods on the street had been cleared by them long ago. They stared at them with unkind eyes when they saw the scattered passersby passing by.