Turn the Universe

Chapter 337: Ambition

Although "Falcon" was digging and training by Zhao Li, and he has a strong relationship with him, he understands the true function and destination of "Falcon" better. "Falcon" belongs to the family, not his!

Seeing Zhao Li's attitude, Zhao Jingquan nodded without a trace. It was because Zhao Li was able to align his position well, he would be relieved to hand over the Falcon to this person for such a long time.

Even so, every few years, Zhao Jingquan will let the ‘Falcon’ perform some dangerous actions, on the one hand to clear out opponents, on the other hand, it is also to keep the ‘Falcon’ members updated.

No matter how much he trusts in Zhao Li, as a Patriarch, Zhao Jingquan will never leave such a powerful force to someone for a long time.

Since there is no reason to replace the Falcon’s controller frequently, letting the old members of the Falcon itself die and the continuous addition of new members is the safest way to maintain strength and weaken the possible authority~

When Zhao Jingquan boarded his Patriarch's special vehicle and set off, nearly a hundred vehicles behind him also whizzed towards the target.

Of such a major battle, Zhao Jingquan certainly could not only use the ‘falcon’ method.

In fact, the Zhao family can be said to have already used 120% of its strength this time.

In attacking the outlying strongholds of the Han Yu family, the Zhao family has sent out all the forces attached to it to be the vanguard, and some of their personnel deployed by the Zhao family and the auxiliary forces sent by the Panlong Li family will be the main force. The Zhao family prepared several years of munitions and weapons and the batch of drugs...

He believes that even if the opponent is well prepared, he will not be able to contend for too long, and will at most be caught in a tug-of-war for a period of time, but he is confident that Zhao Jingquan will eventually win the Zhao family!

Although Zhao Jingquan, the peripheral force of the Han Yu family, will not let go, he is more aware of the main battlefield of this confrontation. His core goal is always the headquarters of the Han Yu Exhibition!

So this time he deployed most of the Zhao family's power to the Zhongjing Financial Headquarters of the Hanyu Exhibition, and with the help of the masters of the Panlong Li family and the masters of Yamamoto Tao, he can be said to be determined to win the fruits of this victory.

"Han Yu Zhan, you will obediently act as a stepping stone for me this time. The next one will be Zhou's turn, and then...

With the support of the Li family, as long as I successfully develop that kind of genetic medicine, then my Zhao family will eventually dominate the underground world, and it may not be impossible even to become the fourth top power...Haha. "

Zhao Jingquan, who was sitting in the car, flashed a light called desire and ambition in his eyes.

The headquarters of China Capital Financial Corporation.

"Enlighten Master Hanyu, the number of suspicious people around is gradually increasing. The target is now coming towards us. The journey takes about ten minutes. The expert of Panlong Li's family has also been dispatched. The total number of the opponent is expected to exceed 500.

Listening to the report of the people at hand, Han Yuzhan nodded: "Five hundred people? It seems that the other party did not bring those shrimp soldiers and crabs."

Han Yu's heyday is also in line with the saying: "The shrimp soldiers and crabs should have been sent by the other party to attack our strongholds. These five hundred people should be all the elites of the Zhao family."

Han Yu Boyuan asked strangely: "Does the Zhao family think that only those shrimp soldiers and crabs can capture hundreds of our strongholds?"

Han Yu Dingsheng explained to his brother: "Of course not, just as Uncle Jin speculated, these shrimp soldiers and crabs should be just forwards. Don't forget the people who are really threatening to us!"

"You mean... the Panlong Li family?"