Turn the Universe

Chapter 3661: Evil demon

In Xuanyuan Wugui's mouth, he sensed that his seal had begun to be destroyed, and Luo Hu would not be able to seal it for long.

Then, these dark and evil auras were probably leaked by Luo Huan after breaking part of the seal.

And these suddenly appeared Yasha, evil spirits, Shura, etc., are the evil spirits formed by part of the power that Rahu flows out...

According to legend, Luo Hu is a horrible existence that inherits the evil way from Yin to evil. It is the manifestation of the "law of killing" of heaven and earth. It belongs to the existence of half true spirit and half life. Horrible life.

Moreover, the Eastern Warrior once said that the dark star Luo Hu is one of the four top existences in China today except him, and it is enough to compare with characters like Xuanyuan Wugui and Tuoba Zhijian.

Every time the dark star Luo Hu was born, it was a time of humanitarian chaos.

And the dark star Luo Hu will bring endless killing and blood to mankind...


When Luo Hu was born, his mind was to destroy everything. The more he destroyed, the stronger he became.

Now, just a part of its breath and power can form an evil spirit!

So how evil and terrifying is Luo Hu in this ancient Chinese legend?

No wonder Xuanyuan Wugui said that besides herself, currently only Hanyu Xiaotian can come to China.

Facing such an evil and terrifying existence of Luo Hu, I am afraid that a super-powerful ground-level man who is sanctified in the flesh and whose spirit is like a dragon will be demoralized by his evil aura, lose his will, and be completely demonic.

Even peerless heavenly powerhouses like Shui Ji and Tian Dao can't resist their terrifying power...

At this time, these Yashas, ​​evil spirits, Shura, demon gods, black arrows, black snakes, black wolves, etc., demonized by Rahu’s Qi, are also going to kill and destroy all living beings in the same way...


"Huh~ demons... then try my Chinese Buddhism power..."

"Tsk tusk, Mudra, Mu Nalu, Jie Cheng..."

Faintly glanced at those rushing Yasha, evil spirits, Shura and other figures, a huge and magnificent mantra, suddenly broke the darkness and spread everywhere.

Mantra of Pluto III!

At the same time, a mysterious Buddhist handprint was changing, above Hanyu Xiaotian, a huge handprint flashing with boundless might appeared out of thin air, like a mountain, entrenched in the void.

"Mudra-Donkey Kong Wheel Print!"

The Diamond Wheel Seal, the "Diamond Top Sutra" says that this diamond seal is "Everything is like a body, speech, heart, and wisdom seal." It represents the wrath of the diamond, crushing all evil external forces.

And just as the Donkey Kong wheel mark appeared, an aura like a mountain torrent erupted from the palm print, rising into the sky, sweeping in all directions.

Afterwards, the giant diamond wheel seal, which was as huge as a mountain, followed Hanyu Xiaotian's palm print, carrying a terrifying aura, like a sacred mountain, shattered into the void, and crushed down..... .



The power of King Kong, it's a fan!

With the cultivation base of Hanyu Xiaotian today, the supernatural powers of the Buddhist mudra that he has displayed have long since reached the sky.

Under the endless Buddhism mantra, the big vajra wheel seal is like the real Buddhism vajra rebirth, with infinite power...
