Turn the Universe

Chapter 3667: Evil will to kill

Ho Ho Ho Ho~

In just a moment, these condensed evil spirits, fierce spirits, Yasha, etc., turned into ocean-like existences, endless, covering the entire dark star's void.

And not only that, among these terrifying figures, there also appeared a number of monsters that were as large as a mountain range, sending out terrifying roars!

At the same time, there is even more monstrous blood and killing aura, like the destruction of the world...

As Luohu's natal body, Dark Star has swallowed the souls of endless creatures in the world, and has collected the pain, fear, and death of millions of people.

Now, when these powers that contain the fear of death of endless creatures appeared, they suddenly flew towards Hanyu Xiaotian...


"What a strong power..."

Faced with this horrible scene that is enough to change the color, Hanyu Xiaotian, who was trapped in the dark star by Luo Hou's design, also narrowed his eyes.

In the past, Hanyu Xiaotian's vast and endless "cosmic starry sky" trapped other opponents in it. Now, this ancient evil star Luo Maw, but designed to trap Hanyu Xiaotian into it with a dark star.

Moreover, this kind of incident can't help but remind Han Yu Xiaotian of the incident that happened when Yama King trapped him with "Abi Hell".

It's just that the realm of the Yama King at that time was still relatively low, but now Luo Mou is a veritable terrifying powerhouse, a peerless existence only under the Eastern Valkyrie.

At this time, the power of the "Dark Star" controlled by the other party is definitely not comparable to that of the Yama King's "Abi Hell"...



Jie Jie Jie~


At this moment, Yasha, evil spirits, Shura, demon gods, snakes, wolves, evil spirits, etc., condensed from the endless blood, evil, and murderous air in the dark star, are all evil, and their power is beyond imagination.

Especially the several terrifying silhouettes like mountains mixed in it, exuding monstrous waves of terrifying killing.

However, their power is second. What surprised Han Yu Xiaotian most at this time is that each of these endless evil spirits has a trace of evil killing will of Luo Maw's body...


How terrible is Luohou's evil will to kill?

It is a horrible thing that inherits the ancients, the incarnation of the law of killing, is a terrible existence that destroys the world and kills everything.

Moreover, Luo Hou's will of the law of killing of heaven and earth is not comparable to the weak will of the law of death of the Yama King who has just arrived in the world, but is the will of the infinite world of killing power.

It can be said that this kind of condensed to the extreme the will of the source law of heaven and earth killing is no weaker than Hanyu Xiaotian's star god.

The spiritual will of ordinary peerless heavenly powerhouses, including Yuwen's Destiny's "Tianzi", Song Qi's "Heaven Sword", Tian. Dynasty's "Iyenaki", etc., is simply incomparable.

And now, this terrifying will, like a vortex of a storm, is trying to devour human souls, constantly madly impacting Hanyu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness, wanting to sink into the bottom and become a slave to killing.

Under the impact of this horror, even Hanyu Xiaotian felt that the sea of ​​his spiritual consciousness began to tingle...
