Turn the Universe

Chapter 3678: Sealing Luo Hu (2)

If outsiders could see it, they would find that countless mysterious runes were flowing and intertwined in Hanyu Xiaotian's eyes at this time.

The shape of these runes is very similar to the rune of Xuanyuan Wugui's seal of Luohu.

Han Yu Xiaotian was actually deducing Xuanyuan Wugui's sealing method!

But after sitting still for a long time, the rune pattern in his eyes disappeared at some point, and then Hanyu Xiaotian's fingers moved in the air...


Hanyu Xiaotian's accomplishments in rune patterns are shocking to the world, and he is the first of today's human rune masters. Even the ‘ninth-level rune master’ cannot measure Hanyu’s current realm.

Although Xuanyuan Wugui's sealing method Hanyu Xiaotian could not fully grasp its mystery, it was only partially destroyed by Luo Hu.

For Hanyu Xiaotian, according to other rune patterns, it was not difficult to deduce those runes that were destroyed by Luohu.

And as Hanyu Xiaotian's fingers flicked, a piece of mysterious rune patterns were carved out on Hanyu Xiaotian's fingers, and they penetrated into the "Void Dharma Realm" bit by bit.

Only after a short while, Luo Hu and the whole Dark Star finally fell silent again amidst an unwilling roar...


"Well, Daoist Xuanyuan's humanitarian seal cannot suppress Luo Hui for too long. It seems that some other means will be used..."

After filling up the seal runes and re-sealing Luohu, Hanyu Xiaotian did not stop, but turned his eyes again.

But just a moment later, Han Yu Xiaotian's heart moved.

"Yes, I remember that Ji's array flags and magical weapons are still with me..."

While muttering to himself, Hanyu Xiaotian’s palms shook, and suddenly hundreds of faces exuding mysterious waves of formation flags and several mysterious magical instruments appeared in Hanyu Xiaotian’s hands~

The ancient Ji family's "Tiangang Lingqi and Earth Shaman" which contained the origin of endless star power!


At the time of the ancient Ji family, Hanyu Xiaotian broke through the countless large formations laid down by the opposing family, and obtained an unknown number of magic weapons, array flags, and energy.

The "Tiangang Lingqi and Disha Lingqi" that emerged from his hands are one of them.

'Tiangang Disha 108 Star Killing Array', this array is made up of 108 array flag magical instruments that contain the origin of endless star power. According to a certain orientation, it communicates with 108 pieces of heaven, earth and universe. Tiangang star and earth evil star power, exert a large array of infinite power.

There are thirty-six celestial stars in the Big Dipper, and each celestial star has a god, collectively called "36 celestial stars"; there are seventy-two earth evil stars in the Big Dipper, and each earth evil star also has a god, collectively called "Seventy-two earth evil."

And these one hundred and eight'gods' were condensed by the ancient Ji family with the use of'array flags' and'dharma tools' to communicate the power of these one hundred and eight stars.

The Sin Star, the Lost Star, the Lost Star, the Sky Prison Star, the Sky Comet, the Sky Storm Star, the Sky Cry Star...

Earth Damage Star, Earth Slave Star, Earth Observer Star, Earth Evil Star, Earth Ugly Star, Earth Number Star, Earth Yin Star, Earth Square Star...

One hundred and eight stars mixing the power of heaven and earth and evil spirits, combined into a large array, can kill everything.

This is one of the great arrays of the ancient Ji family.

But now its array flag magic weapons have fallen into Han Yu Xiaotian's hands...
