Turn the Universe

Chapter 3705: The first battle that determines the fat

Faced with this war that concerns everyone's destiny, the various forces in China that had not participated in it could not sit still.

Among them, the major Chinese free forces that followed the direction of China’s battle through various channels, when they learned of the arrival of the popes and angels of the Western Alliance Cross Church, many began to lead countless powerful people to the barren galaxy.

There are even some hidden family powers and ancient schools.

These people, even if they know that they have gone, are useless, but at this time of life and death, they don't care much.

It's just that the barren galaxy is already extremely far away from the planet where humans live, and it can't be reached in a moment.

As for the other weak forces and ordinary Huaxia citizens, they simply have no ability to participate, and they can only pray in their hearts that Huaxia will win.

However, with the passage of time, as this vast war between the East and the West continues to extend, it has made all parties in China increasingly anxious and desperate...


Killing wild, blood drifting...

As this vast and protracted war continues, the war seems to have reached a stalemate.

But in fact, the direction of the entire war has tilted towards a situation that is increasingly unfavorable to China...

The powerhouses on the Chinese side were consumed more and more, and the deaths and injuries began to increase dramatically. Countless powerhouses fell into the void of the barren galaxy under the light of western angels.

On the contrary, although the western angels have also reduced their staff in front of the major powers in China, the angels who descended from the gate of heaven are endless. They have never stopped since the moment the war started.

At every moment, there are tens of thousands of angels, constantly descending from heaven and merging into this vast war. As if never ending.

Gradually, the number of angels who descended into the barren galaxy has not been reduced due to war losses, on the contrary, more and more have reached the number of more than 8 million...


What is the concept of eight million?

We must know that the weakest and most basic level of ‘angel’ among the various levels of angels in the West is equivalent to the strongest one of the ancient martial arts of human beings.

Even if the opponent is all at the most common ‘angel’ level, it means that the opponent has a full eight million or more ancient martial artists!

What's more, there are many higher-level existences such as ‘archangels’, ‘power angels’, ‘power angels’, ‘power angels’, and ‘main angels’ among the opponents!

On the contrary, on the Huaxia side, the total number of powerhouses above the Xuan stage of the Tuoba Dynasty and Huaxia was just over a million.

This still includes the background of all the hidden families, free forces, and ancient sects.

This kind of strength, even if you count other powerful forces such as strong war rune mechas, space battleships, war forts, sun gods, etc., there is still a big gap between them!

Moreover, the eight million angels is far from the other party's limit. At the gate of heaven, there are still countless angels pouring out, endless.

Gradually, it has become more and more difficult for Huaxia to stick to this huge gap in quantity and strength...
