Turn the Universe

Chapter 3979: Jiuyin Daxue Yin Soldier Borrows

The scriptures say: People have qi when they die, and qi can sense and affect the living.

This induction is based on facts.

For example, when the copper-producing mountain in the west collapses, the bell made of copper in the east does not bang. This is induction.

Qi moves underground. When it moves, it follows the terrain. When it gathers, it also stops with the terrain.

The stone bones of Qiulong and the raised soil ridges on the flat ground are all signs of aliveness.

When the wind blows, it will dissipate, and it will stop when it encounters boundary water.

The ancients gathered Qi to keep it from dissipating, and restricted it from running with boundary water, so it was called Feng Shui.

The law of feng shui is best to get water, and being able to hide wind is the second requirement.

Because even the grand qi movement still has its remaining qi to stop, although it is scattered, the deep qi also has a place to gather.

The scriptures say: Water flowing outside the soil is called external air. External air rampantly becomes boundary water, and the anger within the soil naturally stops gathering, which is exactly what it means.

The scriptures also said: shallow and deep are multiplying, feng shui is self-contained.

Earth is the mother of anger, and only with soil can there be anger.

Qi is the mother of water. Only when there is air, there is water.

Therefore, the qi hidden in dry and hot places should be shallow, and the qi hidden in flat areas should be deep...


The ancient tombs in China are a complex cultural phenomenon, and the choice of tomb site depends on Feng Shui.

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the choice of cemetery.

The factors that the ancients considered when choosing a cemetery were that the geomantic omen in the vicinity of the capital was naturally good; the second was the hometown, beloved or ancestral place, which was in line with the traditional concept of returning to the roots of the leaves; It is often based on the situation; the fourth is other places, such as the places that you yearn for before you are alive, and so on.

But generally you have to choose a place where there is a photo in the front and a place to lean on the back, that is, there is a water flowing through in the front and a mountain peak in the back.

Of course there are many other particulars.

For example: First of all, you should clarify the direction of the acupuncture point's incoming and outgoing water, determine the approximate position of the land **** according to the acupuncture point's incoming and outgoing water position, and then determine the land **** according to the acupuncture point's direction and the five elements The exact position of the bit.

At the same time, refer to the surrounding environment of the acupoint to determine the exact direction of the land god.

This kind of land **** is not only in line with the situation of yin house feng shui, but also in line with its qi, making the tomb more in line with the requirements of feng shui, so that it can better shade and benefit future generations.

But at this time, based on Dalong and Xiaogu's calculations, the location and feng shui of the tomb here are completely different from what they have seen before...

When building a tomb, you must first choose a cemetery.

Because the tomb is the cathode, if you choose a location out of the sun, your family's fortune will not flourish.

But the location of this tomb is all cathodes!

There is not a trace of positive water around the entire tomb.

Moreover, as counted by everyone, there are a total of nine cathode caves here, which surround the entire tomb.

Jiuyin big hole!

The tomb of the generals of the Ming Dynasty in the mouth of Dalong is actually the legendary "Nine Yin Caves" in the tombs!


"This turned out to be the legendary nine-yin big cave in the tomb!?"

"How is it possible? Jiuyin Daxue actually exists? This is the most dangerous tomb in the rumors!"

"Who is the general of the Ming Dynasty? How could such a tomb be laid?"

"The tomb at the intersection of nine Yin, this is the emperor, can't it be arranged?"

"Could it be...that mysterious church arranged it..."

As everyone explored this tomb, their faces became more and more shocked.

At this moment, a lot of horseshoe sounds were heard from afar, because it was at night that everyone couldn't see clearly and could only think it was weird.

With the sound of horseshoes and wheels getting louder and louder, no carriage passed by, and some slight fog could be seen, and the head could not be seen at a glance.

The sound of the carriage is in the fog, but you can only see the faint outline, they are all very old chariots, and each car has a clear light...

"Then... what is that?"

At this moment, Zhang Dauda, ​​who was the most daring among the crowd, also felt his calf twitch.

The extremely yin land, Jiuyin big cave, fog, the sound of horseshoes...

All this appeared at this time, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, and even the dragon in Zhang Luo's grave digging operation had his eyes widened and full of horror.

But at this time, everyone only felt the blood clotting, and even the bones became stiff, and they couldn't control their bodies even if they wanted to avoid them.

And in this fear that lived like years, an unimaginable cold air spread over the surface, and those carriages finally came in front of everyone...


The sound like the ghost of **** seemed to come from the underworld.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and there is a cold air that penetrates into the bone marrow constantly filling the void.

In the fog of the night, these constantly approaching carriages slowly came, and each car body was hung with dim lights.

The people driving the car wore ancient official uniforms with expressionless faces and pale faces. Above these people's heads, there were strands of white cloth floating, floating and strangely mysterious.

And the carriage was loaded with no official treasury silver, nor was it a treasure, but a carriage full of human heads, those heads with bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and those with wide-open eyes, as if they had just died recently...


Yin Bing borrowed!

When they saw the horrible scene on the carriage, Dalong, Xiaogu and others finally remembered something, and their whole bodies were weakened.

The story that tomb robbers heard most from their childhood is that there will be Yin soldiers in the Zhiyin Tomb.

I heard the old man say that after some natural disasters and a large number of deaths, some Yin soldiers will appear, pulling the souls of the creatures and appearing in the sun.

They escorted their souls from the sun and returned to the underworld.

This process was originally invisible to the people in the sun, but in a certain place of the most yin, these yin soldiers can emerge.

At this time, the ‘Nine Yin Acupuncture Point’ where Dalong and the others were located, the evil and abnormal Yin Soldiers appeared...


In panic, Xiaogu, Dalong and the others lay down first, holding their breath away.

Although the folks have seen very little about Yin Soldiers' borrowing, they have spread some solutions of their own.

According to the folk rumors, if you encounter Yin soldiers, you must get out of the way. Don't look at them with your eyes. It is best to lie on the ground and leave as soon as they pass.

If you look directly at the other person or stand up, you will definitely get hurt.

Even if you don't die right away, you will lose your Yang life and your soul, and you will die strangely soon after you return.

Therefore, under fear, for the first time, the big dragon and other tomb robbers who were borrowed by the Yin Soldier did not dare to look at the other party. According to the rumored statement, they fell down...

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