Turn the Universe

Chapter 4053: Oncoming

Both the Beast King and the King of God Warriors are the top powerhouses of today's human federation. However, the result of the two people ended up being swallowed by others.

At the same time, this also shows how terrifying the power of the New Human Alliance is and how deep it is hidden.

But no matter what, now Hanyu Xiaotian must also face these two powerhouses that suddenly appeared.

And fortunately, although Hanyu Xiaotian's star **** and other true spirits are dealing with the six reincarnations, Hanyu Xiaotian's physical strength is still ‘make do’...


Under the trembling of the void, Garcia's figure first appeared in the Huaxia Court.

"Huh? There are fluctuations in the power of heaven and earth, it is Huaxia's formation? Huh!"

His eyes flashed, Garcia didn't have any scruples, nor did he make any gestures, he punched it out.


Ooo, oooo, oooo~

In a burst of noise, the stars and the power of the sky and the earth in front of Garcia suddenly shattered like the sky and the earth, and the ghosts were crying and howling.

The periphery of the entire formation is like undefended tofu, which is directly destroyed by the power beyond imagination in its body.

The void formed by the collapse of a void, following the direction of his fist, continued towards the direction of the heavens, there was nothing to do, everything was destroyed by this punch.

However, with the appearance of a figure, this urging punch finally stopped...


"Emperor Hua Tiantian?"

When he saw the figure, Garcia's eyes that had been expressionless could not help but finally stood up slightly.

"Well, it seems that you are the other hidden characters in the New Human Alliance?"

"The power of the king of **** warriors... so you are also a genetic **** warrior? The king of **** warriors is what you swallowed..."

When Garcia and Samnov arrived, Hanyu Xiaotian's body finally emerged from the Tiandi Palace.

At this moment, in the face of the existence of both Garcia and Samnov, in today's human federation, there is no one who can match them. Therefore, Hanyu Xiaotian can only show up in person.

But when he saw the figure of Garcia, Hanyu Xiaotian's mind was moved slightly.

"Yes, this seat has been hidden for hundreds of years. After finally waiting for this opportunity, how can I miss it?"

"Back then, this seat was M's first king of warriors! It's just that those **** treated this seat like rubbish. But now, let's see, who is the last one to win?"

"Cecile's perfect gene was swallowed by this seat this time, and this is his destination! From then on, this seat will become the most perfect human gene. No! This seat will be the first to surpass the limit of human genes, Become the **** of the gods!"

"Huh, the future of the New Human Alliance to replace the human nations will be unchangeable, Emperor Hua Tian, ​​let you see it today, I have swallowed the supreme power of the Queen of God Warriors!"

Seeing Han Yu Xiao's innocent appearance, Garcia of M stopped talking nonsense after sneering, and suddenly mobilized the power of his whole body!


An energy like the sun suddenly rose into the sky from Garcia, instantly extinguishing the endless void.

This energy, which is so large that it is impossible to measure, is all produced by the genes in Garcia's body, and it is almost 80% of the body's genetic particles.

If someone could see Garcia's body, they would be horrified to discover that every structure, every tissue, every bone, and every blood vessel that constitutes the other's body is perfect.

Each of these tens of billions of human genes is perfect in Garcia's body. Like the most crystal clear gem, the power contained in it is equally perfect.

This is still the case that Garcia has not fully integrated the King of God Warriors. If he is given enough time to completely digest the genes of the King of God Warriors, then Garcia's power will be unimaginable.

And just under the power of this moment, with Garcia's eruption, this ray of light swept across tens of thousands of miles, and wherever he went, the endless void was trembling.

When this kind of power aura and light stagnated, a wave of power that could sweep through the wasteland and explode everything, causing the surrounding hundreds of thousands of miles of space to tremble. It seems that even the entire heavenly court is going to be broken.


Hit out again.

At the moment when Garcia's real power broke out, the horror of this punch was almost ten times as great!

That terrifying power directly wiped out everything, and burst towards Hanyu Xiaotian...


"Huh? Is this power that transcends the perfect human gene? It's really powerful."

"Never mind, this emperor hasn't used the power of the physical body for a long time since he stepped into the nine layers of Sendai. Today it happened to meet an opponent."

"Let me see today, whether it is your powerful gene that surpasses the limit of the human body, or the emperor's eight-star peak, the ‘celestial body’ is powerful..."

As soon as he saw Garcia's terrifying power, Hanyu Xiaotian also released his eyes for the first time.

Eight-star peak ‘celestial body’!

Since entering the Nine Heavens of Sendai, Hanyu Xiaotian’s only shots have been the use of supreme supernatural powers, which are taboo-level supernatural powers based on the laws of heaven and earth, but have never used its body. the power of.

In this respect, it is because Hanyu Xiaotian never encountered anyone who would make him want to use his own power. Even the original King of M God Warriors and the Beast Emperor of the Beastized Dynasty did not make Han Yu Xiao born.' Body collision' interest.

On the other hand, since becoming the emperor of Hua Tiantian, Hanyu Xiaotian may have developed a bit of ‘idol baggage’, or in other words, considering his majesty, he has never ‘hands on’.

However, this does not mean that Hanyu Xiaotian only paid attention to comprehending the law of heaven and earth and put aside his physical cultivation...

In fact, after constructing Huaxiatianyuan and attracting hundreds of millions of stars from the sky, he has never stopped working on his eight-star celestial bodies.

Hanyu Xiaotian’s ‘celestial body’ was originally a perfect combination between the mysterious biological cells of the King Mori and the human’s ‘dao body’, and it was a compositional existence beyond the current human civilization cognition.

Hanyu Xiaotian’s body cells have long been transformed into the mysterious structure of the natives of King Mori, and adjusted to the structure of the origin universe in the deserted battlefield, and then absorbed the'dark energy', evolving to an unprecedented level. .

Later, Hanyu Xiaotian combined this cell gene structure beyond the imagination of human civilization with the mystery of the human body based on the "Taishi Tianyuan Book", and transformed it into celestial particles, which was unique to him. The'celestial body'.

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