Turn the Universe

Chapter 4059: The truth behind the scenes

Buddhism is similar to Taoism. Although there are monks, arhats, bodhisattvas, Buddhas, pure land, incense for hundreds of millions of believers, and the supreme Buddha Dharma, they cannot truly transcend the other side and live forever.

However, the ancient martial art of "Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Fan" formed by the Chinese civilization today cannot break through the limits of heaven and man, and can only reach the Nine Heavens in Sendai. Even the Eastern Martial God, in the face of the limit of heaven and man, can only die from the five decay of heaven and man, and cannot find a way to break through to the next realm.

The top human powers such as the Western Pope, the Su Kingdom Beast Emperor, and the King of M God Warriors, are also unable to break through the limits of heaven and man.

Even the amethyst clan that the Purple Emperor once talked to him had produced supreme powerhouses who had come into contact with the limits of heaven and man.

However, the Dao Sects and Buddhism Sects of China, including the Amethyst clan, were secretly devastated because they were jealous of mysterious people.

Including the Olympic Temple in Norse mythology, the God Sect in the East, etc., they all disappeared into the long river of history along with the Chinese Taoist and Buddhism.

It now appears that all this is the work of the Emperor Destroyed.

And the reason why the other party did this is because it does not allow people beyond the limits of heaven and humans to appear in the human world, and does not allow the strongest people to appear for a long time...

At this moment, thinking back to China and even the entire human race for thousands of years, even a series of weird things that have happened over the past tens of thousands of years, Han Yu Xiaotian finally understood.

It turns out that those alien races in parallel worlds have already entered the human world for a long time.

Every move of human beings is under the supervision of the other side.

All the strongest who reach the limit of heaven and human will be killed by the opponent.

Even if the emperor Shitian destroyed Buddhism, it may have been used by the Emperor Deren.

Now, during the battle between the human kingdom and the new human alliance, when Hanyu Xiaotian, Di Shitian, Garcia, and Samnov all touched the limits of heaven and human beings, and wanted to break through the next realm, the Emperor Annihilation It appears again, and its purpose is self-evident.


"Alien Pyramid! Destroyer Emperor... You are an alien!"

"How is this possible? How can you enter the human world?"

"In that case, you joined the New Human Alliance... at all to monitor me?"

Not to mention that a huge wave was set off in Hanyu Xiaotian's heart. At this time, when facing the Emperor of Destruction, and seeing the black pyramid that brought boundless pressure to everyone, the most shocked and angry at this time is not the human beings. , But Di Shitian, Garcia and Samnov of the New Human Alliance.

For everyone before, although the Emperor Shitian had always been mysterious, the Emperor Shitian and others had never thought that the other party would be an alien powerhouse in a different world!

So in this case, people like yourself have been monitored and used by the other party.

This made Di Shitian, Samnov, Garcia and others horrified, and they couldn't help but feel gloomy and cold.

"New human? Old human?"

"Hahaha, really a bunch of stupid pigs. In the eyes of my foreign powerhouse, you are basically my ration..."

"How can you understand the greatness of my ancient spirit tribe? My tribe has entered your universe for hundreds of millions of years and has destroyed many civilizations."

"However, your human civilization is the fastest growing and progressing. Not only has it multiplied so much in a mere million years, but there are also people who can step into the realm of heaven and human limits."

"It's just...you are really a fighting racial civilization. You have never stopped fighting for a mere million years. But maybe this is the reason why you can progress so fast."

"Well, this dangerous race of humans should no longer exist."

"The emperor has decided that you can no longer keep your civilization. It is your good fortune to die in the hands of the emperor..."

In the wild laughter, the Emperor Shitian dismissed the questions of Emperor Shitian, Garcia and Samnov at all. On the contrary, his tone was full of disdain and ridicule.

"What!? Ration?"

"You have entered my human universe for hundreds of millions of years? Those ancient civilizations and alien civilizations are all destroyed in your hands?"

"Are you going to destroy all races and civilizations that touch the ultimate power of the heavens and humans..."

Hearing the shocking scenes revealed in Di Shitian's words, all human beings trembled with horror on their faces.

Human beings have always claimed to be the most intelligent race between heaven and earth, especially after discovering remnants of ancient civilizations and alien civilizations one after another, they have developed by leaps and bounds.

However, in the mouth of the Emperor Destroyer, are they human beings just food for the other side?

Even the ruins of ancient civilizations and the destruction of alien civilizations were caused by aliens?

The other party has entered the human universe for hundreds of millions of years, even billions of years, without human beings knowing it at all?

This is simply beyond the imagination of today's human beings! I couldn't help making everyone horrified, unable to control themselves.

Even Hanyu Xiaotian is the same.

When the battlefield was extinct, he had long guessed that the alien races used the various parallel cosmic spaces as their back gardens, and after raising various biological civilizations, they used them as rations to provide them with massive amounts of energy.

Later, after Hanyu Xiaotian entered the remains of the ancient Mulia civilization, seeing the ruined Mulia civilization and the incomplete black pyramid further deepened his guess.

And now, these speculations of Hanyu Xiaotian have been verified by the Emperor Destroyer...


"Ration? Do you actually regard this emperor as a ration?"

"In the New Human Alliance, this seat has always looked at you upset! Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a stranger, and you have been using me to wait! But this seat is not the one to be slaughtered!"

"Huh! It seems that your alien races are very afraid of being born among my human beings who surpass the limits of heaven and humans? But the Emperor Destroyer, do you think you can stop me from surpassing the limits of heaven and humans?"

Di Shitian, Garcia, and Samnov, who were used to monitor and were completely kept in the dark, were extremely horrified at the identity of the Emperor, but their hearts were extremely gloomy.

For a time, a strong murderous intent rushed out of the three of them.

At this moment, their murderous intent on the Emperor Destroying Emperor even surpassed that of Han Yu Xiaotian and Human Lianbang.

Di Shitian, Garcia, and Samnov are all the top figures in the current human chain, or it can be said that they are only non-existent under the Hanyu Liaotian.

Everyone is a giant and self-respectful person.

Although the appearance of the Emperor Destroyer was beyond their expectation at this moment, how could a few people be able to capture it with their hands?

And just under the endless murderous intent in their hearts, the figures of the three could not help but instantly abandon Hanyu and smile to the sky, rushing towards the figure of the Destroyer Emperor...

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