Turn the Universe

Chapter 423: change

Han Yu Xiaotian was meditating. After the Panlong Alliance and the Zhao family last time, he once thought that magical powers and martial arts should have corresponding masters.

But after repeated thinking these days, he felt that this idea was not right.

A warrior can reach the realm of a master by mastering a certain extreme state through the training of a certain martial arts.

But supernatural powers are not.

The essence of supernatural powers is Tao, or it can be said that it is a manifestation of the Tao of heaven and earth.

If someone who cultivates supernatural powers wants to reach the so-called master realm, that unless it is to master a certain way of heaven and earth to the extreme state, which is obviously impossible.

Not to mention the mortal rank, even the yellow rank and the mysterious rank are equally impossible.

So the question is, how do people who cultivate supernatural powers better master supernatural powers?


This is the answer that Han Yu Xiaotian has thought about these days.

Rather than just cultivating certain supernatural powers without knowing the reason, it is better to directly decipher the essence behind it.

The deeper the understanding of "Tao", the deeper the mastery of supernatural powers, and the greater the power reflected!

"Although I don’t know what’s right or wrong, I can try it. Isn’t my Fenglei two trigrams obtained through comprehension of heaven and earth runes? Other principles should be similar. Anyway, my ultimate goal is to see. That omnipresent Tao!"

Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes became brighter.

At six o'clock in the morning, a hazy cloud and mist shrouded the Tianmu Mountains, adding a sense of mistiness.

A suspended vehicle is parked outside Yishan Villa. Several young people are looking at Tianmu Mountain, chatting from time to time, seeming to be waiting for something.

At this time, one person aboard and alight in the suspended vehicle was Chu Tianshu, the first senior official of Minjiang Province.

"Hello, senior official Chu."

"Well, Yihan and they haven't come out yet? This girl is really true. I told her a long time ago, and it's still lingering, we are all here."

A young man next to him said with relief: "It's okay, there is still enough time before the Guxia Academy assessment, haven't we just arrived here?"

Others also echoed: "Yes, yeah, Ms. Chu must have something to do. It doesn't matter if you delay it for a while."

Just as several people were talking, the door of Yishan Villa opened, and Chu Yihan, Lin Qianzi and others walked out one by one, Han Yu Xiaotian was at the end.

The three big beauties have already attracted people's attention, not to mention a few of them are still labeled as the top talents of the young generation in Minjiang Province.

The young people around Chu Tianshu had their gazes slightly condensed, looking at the one who came out as the top circle group in Minjiang Province in terms of family life and martial arts talents. There was envy, jealousy, and war in mind. meaning.

But they also know that regardless of their family background or martial arts talents, they have a considerable distance from this circle. The so-called gathering of things and grouping of people is the truth.

"Haha, little friend Han Yu is taking a good rest these days, Yihan you...huh?"

Chu Tian Shu Gang made a polite sentence, and suddenly realized that his granddaughter seemed to be different from before.

When he scanned He Tang, Tang Yan'er, Lin Qianzi and others next to him, an incredible look appeared on his face.

"Where is it different? How do you feel that they... all seem to have changed?"

The words of Han Yu Xiaotian and Chu Yihan, Tang Yan'er and the others over the years have not been in vain, and their every move has obviously become more practical and mature.

Especially Chu Yihan and their mental outlook has undergone earth-shaking changes.

What was revealed from their eyes was no longer the arrogance and unrestrainedness of the past, but instead was a kind of perseverance and stability.