Turn the Universe

Chapter 46: Quarrel

"By the way, Xiao Tian'er, would you participate in the Tenglong competition at the end of the family?"

"Tenglong Tournament? What is that?"

"You don't know this?" Han Yuyi raised his hand and patted his forehead, the small and exquisite cheek was covered with an expression that I had taken you.

After Han Yuyi explained the Tenglong Tournament and Hanyu Xiaotian, Hanyu Xiaotian aroused a little interest: "This is the best opportunity to observe the strength and potential of a generation. It is estimated that this kind of meeting held by the family is also Out of this consideration?"

Han Yuyi curled his lips: "I don't know how the family thinks about it. Just tell me how you think about it. You don't plan to participate, do you? The top ten are all rewarded, especially the first two contests. There are no powerful geniuses in the conference family, so this time the family also attaches great importance to it. I heard that the family will take out rare items such as magic weapons, pill pill and energy stone as the top three rewards! Although you can't get the former Three...well, the chance of getting the top ten is not great, but somehow I have to participate!"

Han Yuyi doesn’t seem to know anything about Han Yu Xiaotian’s past, and seeing that she has been shackling Han Yu Xiaotian to participate in martial arts competitions, more of the purpose seems to be the meaning of this hateful kid joke in her eyes. .

Han Yu Xiaotian didn't seem to hear Han Yuyi's obvious playful tone, but just asked casually: "Then are you going?"

"I... I certainly don't go to participate, I don't like martial arts!" Han Yuyi's small face first tightened, and then immediately quibbleed.

"But don't you know that I can't practice ancient martial arts?"

"What? You don't like martial arts practice either?"

"It's not that I don't like it, I can't!" Han Yu Xiaotian corrected.

"What...what? You...can't practice ancient martial arts? Really? Are you deliberately lie to me?" Han Yuyi couldn't believe it.

Then she seemed to think of something again: "No! I obviously saw you enter the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion! How could you not be able to practice? You are lying to me, you stink!"

Han Yu smiled at her and gave her a look that looked down upon her and said: "I smiled at the top of the sky, saying that if you can't practice martial arts, you can't practice martial arts. Why do you lie to you? Isn't it honorable not to practice martial arts? People seem to be able to practice martial arts, but they just don't do their work to study the evil ways?"

"What kind of evil way? It's Qimen Dunjia!" Han Yuyi roared. Every time I met Han Yu Xiaotian, he said that he was not doing business, which made Han Yuyi very annoyed.

"Okay, okay, Qimen said crookedly. Alas, it seems that you really don't hear things outside the window. You only read the sage books. In the family for so many years, you don't even know the name of my Hanyu Xiaotian."

"It's not that Qimen is crooked, it's Qimen Dunjia!!!" Han Yuyi corrected again, somewhat mad.

"Why are you famous in the family? Why should I have heard of you? Hmph, you don't have to be proud, I will ask my dad when I go back, I will know if you lied to me."

Why can't I practice ancient martial arts? Han Yuyi's strange brain hole made Han Yu Xiaotian feel speechless for a while, he really didn't understand where Han Yuyi saw him proud.

Just when the two were in a quarrel, Yuan Lao returned.

Obviously he did not care about the quarrel between the two children. He handed a piece of kraft paper in his hand to Han Yu Xiaotian: "I am getting older and my head is not easy to use. It took a while to find it. This is how I found it. The ancestors of the family recorded the original of "Sky Magic Field", you can take a look.