Turn the Universe

Chapter 463: Mutant baboon

Xu Tianlin chose to stop in a small open area to face the direction of the moving red dot, and pulled out the dagger from his waist and held it in his hand. The others also pulled out their weapons to guard.

When the red dot slowly appeared in front of everyone, a slightly tall figure also emerged from the dense woods.

what is this?

An ape-like creature with a height of more than two meters, covered with dense black hair, blood-red eyes, and full of irritable aura is trying to approach everyone.

The head of this "strange ape" is thick and gray, the snout is extremely prominent, the brow bones are high, and the face has high raised lines, the color is bright blue and transparent, the nose is deep red, the bridge of the nose reaches the forehead, and the canine teeth And sharp, quite large.

Especially its arms are not only amazing in length, but also the forearms are obviously raised and extremely thick.

The eyes are dark and deep, with sharp edges and corners, and the pupils in the middle appear **** red, which is extremely prominent in the dark!

No one knew the specific name of this creature, but it felt like a mutant baboon.

I saw this mutated baboon fell on a half-person-high stone, with its back slightly bent, its scarlet eyes staring at everyone motionless, and the mouth still made a low ‘snoring’ sound from time to time.

Liu Dai felt a little scared in her heart. She didn't know if this ‘baboon’ was hostile to them. At this moment, she seemed to remember something, and subconsciously grabbed it with her right hand.

Seeing Liu Dai's movements, Xu Tianlin screamed inwardly, "Be careful!"

Almost at the same time, Han Yu Xiaotian also gave a low voice: "Be careful!"

Just when the other three were unclear about the reason, the low-pitched roar of the ‘baboon’ not far away suddenly became sharp and high-pitched, and the whole body grew upright. At the same time, the body shook, and the speed came towards everyone like a gust of wind.

So fast!

Thanks to the timely warnings from Xu Tianlin and Han Yu Xiaotian, everyone was able to react.

They withdrew their weapons while dodging, ready to fight this mutant baboon.

In the gloomy jungle, everyone's sight is somewhat blocked, and this mutant baboon's coat color is also gray, coupled with the speed of its movement like the wind, it is difficult for everyone to catch it for a while.

But fortunately, its blood-red eyes provided accurate directions for everyone.

"Ding Ding Dong Dong"

The gusts of wind roared, and the mutant baboon violently wielded his arms that were longer than everyone's weapons and constantly pounced on the prey in its eyes.

A pair of big pu fan-like hands also felt a little shiny inside and out in the gloom, like a thick leather armor.

And when Xu Tianlin's weapon intersected with the palm of the mutant baboon's arm. There was a sound like defeating Ge.

The four were tossing around incessantly. There was no way. The mutant baboons were too fast, their long arms were extremely hard, and they were so powerful. If they stood in place and fought a battle of positions, everyone would not know how they would die.

During this period, Han Yu Xiaotian didn't really make a move. He just kept moving with Chu Yihan's side to do his best as a ‘accompanier’.

Just now Hanyu Xiaotian also observed this baboon's abnormal movement through his spiritual sense before reminding others to be careful.

According to the current performance of this baboon who doesn't know what species it is, Hanyu Xiaotian secretly assessed that its approximate strength may be barely equivalent to a seventh-level martial artist.

It's just that its leather armor is relatively hard, and its strength, defense, and speed are far superior to ordinary people.