Turn the Universe

Chapter 518: Prepare for war

"It doesn't matter if your guess may not come true, but as long as there is a slight possibility, we should take precautions before it happens. I believe you."

Later, Ximen Wangyue, who had emerged from nowhere, and several people around him also stood up and agreed.

Finally, even Wang An and Solemn, who had not been in conflict with Han Yu Xiaotian, also gave Han Yu Xiaotian a complicated look.

"In fact, we have doubted this matter before, but we dare not believe it.

Now that you are guessing that way, I think we must prepare now, otherwise all of us may fall on the last day leading to the ancient summer college. "

Although the relationship between them and Hanyu Xiaotian is definitely not friendly, but the martial arts world is respected. Through that conflict, the two of them have realized that Hanyu Xiaotian's strength is definitely far higher than that of himself and others, even Much stronger than Donglizhan.

So at this moment, in the face of a possible life and death crisis, in front of the entrance qualifications of Guxia Academy, they still choose to temporarily put down their hatred and stand with everyone.

Wang An's words seemed to resonate with many others.

Seeing that the second level of assessment is over immediately, after passing through all kinds of dangers and overcoming various difficulties, you can enter this seemingly stable and calm mineral vein base on the last day. In fact, many people's spirits are already relaxed at this time. Down.

Especially the candidates who have found the Guxia token are just waiting to spend the last night safely, and tomorrow they can leave this ghost place and enter the Guxia Academy they dream of.

But Hanyu Xiaotian told them that perhaps this last night will be the most difficult time, and all of them may face the attacks of those terrorist bugs.

This makes many people unacceptable for a while.

But at this time, at the last moment of realizing their dreams in life, no one hopes that their efforts for such a long time may come to naught.

Some slack eyes became firm again in a short period of time. If those bugs were to come, they would definitely not hesitate to fight!

At this time, several high-level warriors in the field have taken the lead in expressing their opinions. After consideration, other people can't help but start to recognize the situation. Slowly, more and more people have come forward...

"Well, that's the case, I will first tell the plan, you can say what you think, we all brainstorm, try to make adequate preparations, which bugs may not leave us a lot of time."


After the discussion, everyone seemed to feel the breath of the mountain and rain coming to the wind, and they had also seen the horror of the insect swarm. At this time, after such an organization, they started to act.

As the so-called firewood was collected by everyone, the flames were high. In less than an hour, the candidates moved all the combustible things in the vein base to the predetermined location according to the plan, and then prepared the mineral oil residue to spread in a certain place. On the ground...


I don’t know how long it took, the lights in the veins seemed to become a little dim, as if to remind everyone that the night was coming...

"Hey, you said that those bugs would really drive us here on purpose as they said?"

"That's not good. There are too many unknowns here. Who dares to say it must not be?"