Turn the Universe

Chapter 521: Insect Swamp (2)

Time passed by every minute and every second, but it was so long in the sense of everyone, swinging swords, sweeping, palms...

The mechanical movements kept repeating, and slowly many people began to feel numb...

"Xiaotian, it doesn't seem to be possible to go on like this, the true energy consumption is too great. And there are too many of these bugs, they have been killed for nearly an hour, and I don't feel they are reduced at all!"

As if he heard Chu Yihan's exhaustion after his true energy and physical strength were exhausted, Han Yu Xiaotian glanced at the circle of fire he was in again. At this time, most of the people were almost reaching their limit...

Isn't it just an hour?

Hanyu Xiaotian frowned secretly while using the "devil's magnetic field" to tear up the piles of insects not far in front of him.

Seeing countless insects disappear inexplicably in Hanyu Xiaotian's palm, many people who noticed this scene could not help but secretly sigh for Hanyu Xiaotian's power.

Although they didn't know what ancient martial arts this was, it was beyond their imagination anyway.

"Temporarily close the circle of fire, and everyone will recover their strength and true energy as soon as possible."

After hearing Han Yu Xiaotian's words, several people in the narrow passage of the fire ring lightly waved their weapons, swept the flames from the edge of the fire ring, and immediately closed the original narrow passage and the fire ring closed.


The insects completely isolated by the ring of fire seemed a bit angry, but there was no way, they could only continue to wander outside the ring of fire.


The exhausted people got a respite, and they meditated and recovered.

Han Yu Xiaotian came to a high place, looking at the endless black beetles still covering the ground outside, a worrisome expression in his eyes.

In the past hour, the number of insects eliminated by everyone has increased by 100,000, right? But bugs are not seen at all.

Perhaps consuming the number of bugs is not a solution to the problem, but it is even more infeasible without killing them.

These burnable materials will definitely not survive tomorrow. What they need now is the corpses of bugs to supplement the flames.

What a contradiction!

"That is?"

At this time, Han Yu Xiaotian saw a figure in the nearby circle of fire with his palms as sharp as a sword, repeating magic tricks. With both arms waving, there are palm shadows in all directions, like a violent wind suddenly rising and a thousand flowers falling.

Countless insects were all killed for a while, and the originally dense black waves revealed a rare piece of ground.

That was Dongli Zhan. As an eighth-level martial artist, his true energy and martial arts could outperform other candidates too much.

"This Dongli Zhan is quite powerful, he is a talent!" Han Yu Xiaotian didn't know why he suddenly had such an idea.

Twenty minutes later, after regaining some physical strength and true energy, everyone opened the circle of fire once again, and began an endless battle with insects...

"It's really expensive!"

Hanyu Xiaotian constantly maintains the most suitable magnetic field of the heavenly demon to kill the insect swarms. So far, the number of insects he has killed alone is almost equal to the number of other people in his group.

However, this huge consumption of "Divine Mind" also made Han Yu Xiaotian feel dizzy.

He could feel that the original solid body of the **** of stars in his mind had begun to fade away, and the stars around him seemed to have no time to supplement his consumption.

As for the others at this time, everyone's faces were even more pale, and even Shangguan Qingwu, who was proud of Zixia's strength and innocence, seemed to have reached his limit at this moment.

So everyone had to choose to close the circle of fire again...