Turn the Universe

Chapter 525: last moment

As if perceiving the danger, the huge body of the Black Beetle King moved back a few minutes, and the hairy black tentacles around the mouthparts kept waving.

At the same time, "Wow~" again, the third sound wave came towards Hanyu Xiaotian and towards the circle of fire far behind him...

Faced with the terrifying sound waves close at hand, Hanyu Xiaotian didn't seem to feel anything.

The **** of stars in his mind is running, endless stars shine, a faint light radiates from Hanyu Xiaotian's body, like a beacon in the dark wave.

In the end, all the remaining power that Hanyu Xiaotian could use was gathered on his right index finger. For a moment, Hanyu Xiaotian felt his fingertips, as if there was a burning meteor trying to rush out of his body. Destroy everything.

"Star beam!"

An incomparable ray of light cut through the darkness, and before the Insect King could react, he followed its mouthparts that were still spitting out sound waves and rushed into its fat belly...


In an instant, the insect king roared in pain, his huge body swaying crookedly as if drunk.

Its mouthparts filled with thick yellow mucus seemed to be ignited by Hanyu Xiaotian's flaming meteor-like light beam, and its flesh and blood was blurry, revealing its bones.

The tentacles covered with black bristles and the six pairs of white eyes are constantly waving, shrinking, and spitting out of pain.

After finally struggling for a while, the huge body of the insect king fell to the ground!

At this time, the last point of flame protecting everyone in the distance was also extinguished in the sound wave...

There was a brief silence, and the insects in the front had already climbed into the extinguished circle of fire, but in the next second, it seemed to encounter something terrifying.

"Sasha Soso"


The first insect began to move backwards, followed by the second, third...

Their subsequent retreat seemed to have caused a chain reaction. The endless wave of black worms suddenly fled towards the passage outside the base like a low tide...


Everyone who saw this scene screamed frantically, tears welling up frantically without realizing it.

On the battlefield between this person and the Zerg, after all, they stood at the last moment, and none of them were lost!

When the worms dissipated, everything seemed so unreal like a dream.

"Huh? Where's Han Yu Xiaotian?"

"Right? Where is Han Yu?"

Everyone's gazes turned towards the place where the omnipotent figure was in their hearts.

"Where is he!"

Chu Yihan was the first to spot Hanyu Xiaotian's figure, and was the first to rush out...

At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian was lying pale on the tall body of the dead insect king.

It turned out that at the last moment when he used all his power, he used the final burst of the magnetic field under his feet to bounce his body towards the place where the insect king died.

The insect king's tall and generous belly just caught Han Yu Xiaotian's fallen body.

When everyone took Hanyu Xiaotian back to the mine vein base, everyone collapsed to the ground...

Half-dreaming and half-awake, the dark mine veins seemed a little brighter, and a new day came again.

I don't know who suddenly shouted: "The token shook, it is guiding me out!"

Then everyone was awakened one by one and took out their tokens one after another. Sure enough, an image resembling a map appeared directly in everyone's mind through the connection of tokens.

At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian also opened his closed eyes, and a brilliant light flashed by.

After a short rest, he almost recovered, and after this all-out battle, Hanyu Xiaotian's originally almost dried-up star god, with the supplement of endless stars, seemed to exude more than before. Powerful light...