Turn the Universe

Chapter 586: Taoist Zhenling

The word "Sumi" was originally a Sanskrit transliteration. According to legend, it is a famous mountain in ancient Indian mythology, and is also called mandala in Buddhist scriptures.

According to Buddhist concepts, it is the king of the mountains, the center of the world, and the Buddhist cosmology.

"Mustard seeds" are the seeds of mustard, and there are white, yellow and black varieties.

Mustard seeds are extremely tiny.

"Xumi Mustard Seed", the eloquent Mount Xume is contained in the mustard seed, a metaphor for the exquisiteness of Buddhism, which is everywhere.

The "Vimalakirti Sutra Unimaginable Products" says: "If a Bodhisattva lives is a liberating person, with the height of the Sumi, there is no increase or decrease in the mustard seeds."

According to legend, there is often such a poem on the bay leaf of Buddhism:

"One flower and one thought are boundless calamities, and everything is at the end of a cent. I accept the mustard seed and realize the four truths of Nirvana."

It is like a mustard seed with a mustard, and the heart is like a small dust hidden in a thousand.

Not to mention the battle between Brother Sikong and Hanyu Xiaotian at this time, at this time, everything else was in a stalemate.

Han Yu Xiongba and Han Yu Juxiao are now leading a mere eight members of the Han Yu family to fight each other with nearly 30 people.

Originally, the strength of the enemy and ourselves was very different, but the two of them just relied on their own powerful physical strength and defense power to run wild. Except for the already injured Duanmu Hengtian and Duanmuxiu, the other party could hold it twice. No one else was the enemy of the two.

And in this battlefield where the enemy and us are far apart, it is the mysterious person who saves the family and saves his heart!

He didn't make a move, just sat quietly, but in a space hard to see with the naked eye, a circle of spirit power ripples spread out from his mind...

Under the interference of this attack similar to the power of the "field", the people of the other three races felt a great increase in mental pressure, their heads fainted and uncomfortable like a heavy lead. But I don't know what's going on.

This is the means by which the "Zhenling Clan" saves their families and their hearts!

The inheritance history of the Du Family is extremely long, even older than the Han Yu Family.

For thousands of years, the Dujia haunted inaccessible places, accompanied by tombs and companions with the dead. Even if they are both in the hermit family, many people have no idea what the Dujia has been doing for thousands of years.

Although low-key and mysterious, with few people, the unique knowledge of the town and clan that does not exceed the family’s family is to make everyone who knows jealous. It is the "du", which is known as the head of the Taoist group scriptures, the sect of all laws, and the source of all the world People Classics!

The full name of "The Sutra of Saving People" is "Taishang Cave Mysterious Lingbao Immeasurable Sutra of Supreme Grade".

It is the core classic of the Taoist Zhengyisanshan Fulu Lingbao School and the supreme classic of Taoism.

It was listed as the opening scripture by the later Ming Dynasty "Orthodox Dao Zang".

It is rumored that by practicing to the extreme, saving people can "the immortal way of life is precious, without measuring people, opening eight doors, flying the wheel of the sky*. Forbidden for sins, predestination, fate, universal openness, death and soul life. Smell the heavens."

In short, people can practice the way of longevity in alternative ways.

Among the 61 volumes of Sutra, there are many principles of the universe, which can be divided into three categories: The first category is based on the theories of Yin and Yang, the Three Talents, and the Five Elements. Way of merit. Such as "Yin-Yang Destiny Products", "Yin-Yang Separation and Five Elements Transformation Products" and so on.

The second category is Chen's prescriptions for eliminating calamities, warding off evil spirits, making ghosts, and miraculous demons, in order to pray for relief. Such as "Pray for Water and Drought Products", "Exterminate the Five Elements Evil Products" and so on.

The third category is on the prescriptions for preserving the shape and rejuvenating the mind, and growing up and forming the ecstasy. Such as "Longevity as a product", "Revived from the dead" and so on.

The Dujia inheritance is said to be the second and third types of supreme scriptures.