Turn the Universe

Chapter 605: Tianyin Bell

Most of the divine weapons circulating in the world are low-level divine weapons of the first, second, and third grade, and very few divine weapons above the fourth grade.

From this it can be seen how rare this Fourth-Rank Intermediate God Soldier selected by Hanyu Xiaotian is.

In particular, it is an extremely rare sonic alien weapon, or it can be called an artifact.

In fact, the origin of the Tianyin Clock can be said to be very large. It was obtained by an ancestor of the Hanyu family hundreds of years ago from an ancient relic in an alien that has not yet been discovered by humans.

Its material is neither gold nor iron, nor copper nor aluminum, nor any known alloy, but it is too hard and abnormal, and even the sharpest laser gamma rays cannot cut a single trace.

Later, in the hands of the rune master of the Hanyu family, it took several years to turn it into a sonic fourth-rank middle-level magic weapon, and it has been hung on the upper floor of the magic weapon pavilion of the Hanyu family for many years. the Lord.

It's not that Hanyu Xiaotian has made such a great contribution to the family, and he has found the best Tianyoulan that the family has been searching for for many years. Hanyu Qingtian will not take out this rare and unusual Tianyin clock. As a reward.


An exquisite and small bronze bell appeared in Hanyu Xiaotian's hand, his wrist swayed slightly, and the sound of a low and melodious bell ringing echoed in the wilderness.

Then Hanyu Xiaotian waved his hand and threw the small clock in the air, and then stared in his eyes, the divine power of the stars in his mind rippled, following the spirit of Hanyu Xiaotian into a rune on the inner wall of the Tianyin Clock.

As a result, something incredible happened. The small clock that could be held with one hand turned out to be half the size of a human body, floating above Hanyu Xiaotian's head.


There was a sound wave that seemed to break the eardrum of a person, and the trees around Hanyu Xiaotian broke off as if passing through a violent wind. Even some rocks not far away began to show signs of being crushed by invisible force...

This little clock is actually set by warriors who specialize in spiritual power or rhythm. It just so happens that Hanyu Xiaotian has formed a powerful "spiritual soul power" such as the **** of stars. Under the guidance of the gods, apply the sky The sound clock can be considered just right.

As for the change in the size of Tianyin's bell-shaped body, it was the ability contained in the rune of heaven and earth that Hanyu Xiaotian had just inspired.

Its nature is a bit like the Void Savage Seed Art of the Sikong family, and similar to the principle of the storage ring, it is a peak application of spatial energy.

After a while, Tianyin Zhong shrank again and returned to Hanyu Xiaotian's hands.

With a satisfied smile, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but start his daily homework for the past three months, observing the runes in the Tianyin Clock!

"The rune patterns in this clock are so complicated, but there are some lines that I am familiar with. The "Tao Run Talisman" that the patriarch gave me seems to be the most basic knowledge of this kind of rune technique? How does the researched rune of heaven and earth have anything to do with this? There are so many interesting things in this world, God soldier? Rune?"

The more Han Yu Xiaotian thinks about it, the weirder it feels. It seems that the runes of heaven and earth have a special relationship with him?

"Perhaps I should learn this rune way, um, let's become a rune master first."

At this time, Han Yu Xiaotian didn't know how difficult a thing that should be easy in his eyes was actually.

In this era, there has been a saying: Divine soldiers are hard to find, supernatural powers are rare, and runes are as hard as the sky!

It means that both magical weapons and magical powers are rare in the world, but the rune pattern is as difficult to see and grasp as the sky...