Turn the Universe

Chapter 608: intend

There are even rumors that one of China's super powers, the "Heavenly Sword", achieved a breakthrough into the realm of heaven just because of the realization of certain mysterious patterns.

These magical and mysterious legends have also led to an endless stream of people who have visited Nigux for hundreds of years.

Not to mention the government agencies, permanent troops and scientific research institutes of the federation, the ancient warriors of China, the major mercenary organizations of Western countries, and the numerous warriors, spies, and organizations of various countries are countless. Planet.

Han Yu Xiaotian's cultivation of supernatural powers has reached a bottleneck. He needs the opportunity to explore and comprehend. This is the first stop he chose to practice in the world.


In a bizarre building hundreds of meters high with a large disc-shaped chassis and an irregular elliptical streamlined structure, Hanyu Xiaotian is sitting in a fantasy room fiddling with storage rings on her fingers.

However, Han Yu Xiaotian's attention was obviously not on this ring at this time, he was looking at the blue sky outside the building through the transparent crystal wall.

"There are still three days before the open admissions day of Xinghan University. As one of the top 100 universities in the entire human federation*, it is rumored that many mysterious patterns on Nicholas are placed in this university. I can’t wait to be researched. I hope these mysterious patterns can be helpful to my supernatural power training."

Hanyu Xiaotian has long known through family classics that the many mysterious patterns on this Nicholas are likely to be related to "runes".

He even suspected that the ancient civilization that might have existed was rune civilization, otherwise, how to explain that there are so many patterns on this planet?

Now he is more and more interested in the way of runes. He feels that the mighty power of heaven and earth depicted and contained in those extremely mysterious lines is so attractive to him.

So this time he has already designed the major he will be assessed. It is not the ancient martial arts system, not the mecha system, not the thermal weapon kinetic energy analysis system, nor the supernatural power system that once surprised him, but ~~

Rune system!

On such a planet, it seems reasonable to have some geniuses who cultivate supernatural powers.

After all, although supernatural beings are rare and rare, they are not uncommon.

Han Yu Xiaotian actually struggled with this for a long time. He really wanted to communicate with the magical powers of the same kind, and also wanted to hear how the teachers at Xinghan University explained the mystery of magical powers.

But after thinking and weighing, he still chose to apply for the rune system!

After all, this is the birthplace of runes, and it is also the best place on the planet.

Compared with the supernatural powers that appear as external means, Hanyu Xiaotian still wants to understand the way of comprehending the runes that contain the essence of heaven and earth and the mystery.

Moreover, in his vision, if his understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth improves, then the magical powers he possesses will naturally improve, and there is no contradiction between the two.

Of course, the rune system is not so easy to test.

There are not many more people who can walk along the rune than the supernatural powers.

However, although rune masters are extremely rare, if the entire human federation has the most rune masters, then it must be the Xinghan University on Nicolas!

Even Mo Yan, the honorary vice president of Xinghan University, is one of the few seventh-order rune masters in the rune world!

A seventh-order rune master is a rune master who can already control seven complete runes, which can be regarded as rare in the world of runes.