Turn the Universe

Chapter 632: Su Wanrong and Wang Ruoqi (2)

"Hey, I really mean you are here. If it is, I didn't expect Xiaobai in your mouth to be so funny."


After being reminded by his girlfriend, Wang Ruoqi only noticed the person sitting opposite Su Wanrong.

"Han Yu... Laughing Heaven!"

"Why are you here? How can you meet Wanrong?"

Seeing that Teacher Wang Ruoqi's shelf was faintly about to be brought up again, Han Yu Xiaotian curled his lips.

"Of course I, Xiaobai, must work hard to learn knowledge, and strive not to be publicized everywhere! As for this Miss Wanrong, um, it should be someone who said that I was a perverted Xiaobai in front of her, so she knew me first! "

Hearing Han Yu Xiaotian's words, Wang Ruoqi suddenly became embarrassed: "Uh, I didn't promote it everywhere, I just mentioned it to Wanrong."

When Wang Ruoqi still had his eyes wide open, she gave Su Wanrong a fierce look at the joke, and then she suddenly noticed the pile of books in front of Han Yu Xiaotian.

"Are you looking at these?" Wang Ruoqi seemed a little surprised.

"Of course, these ‘wowsome’ books can be read by Miss Wanrong besides me?"

Hearing Han Yu Xiaotian's complaining tone, both Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong couldn't hold back this time, and they laughed one after another.

Wang Ruoqi seemed to think of his identity as a teacher. He just laughed for a while and hurriedly acted like a teacher, pretending to be a serious teacher: "Well, learning is a good thing, then tell me what you have learned during this time?"

"What have you learned? Well, during this period of time, I have actually been studying the force mechanism of the stellar core caused by the tidal changes in the magnetic field caused by the universe's quantum and gravitational fluid mechanics."


"What and what? It is caused by the tidal changes in the magnetic field caused by the integration of cosmic quantum and gravitational fluid mechanics..."

Han Yu Xiaotian's complex name with dozens of characters stunned Wang Ruoqi.

As a superb rune genius and a fourth-level rune master in the Rune Department of Xinghan University, and even the head teacher of Han Yu Xiaotian, she has no impression that there is such a profound subject in this rune system. Knowledge.

"You~~, which rune master did you teach? I...Why haven't I heard of this subject?"

Wang Ruoqi suddenly lacked confidence.

At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian finally opened his mouth and said: "It was not taught by the teacher, but I taught myself! Well, it's no wonder you didn't know that the universe quantum and gravitational collection fluid mechanics that I just said is caused The force mechanism of the stellar core caused by the tidal changes of the magnetic field.

In short, it is actually - the planet's revolution and rotation..."


Planetary revolution and rotation...


Su Wanrong really couldn't stand it this time. She started to laugh when she was lying on the table, shaking her branches, and yelling, "No way, it makes my stomach hurt."

Wang Ruoqi naturally realized that he had been tricked by Xiao Bai in his own eyes, his face turned red and white, and eventually he couldn't hold it back, he squatted on the ground and laughed.

ten minutes later.

The two stunning beauties were sitting opposite Han Yu Xiaotian while pressing their slightly irritated stomachs, staring slightly annoyed at Han Yu Xiaotian, the culprit who made them so gaffe.

It seemed that they could feel the weird and intoxicated gazes of everyone around them looking at them. Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong only felt that the dignified and majestic image they had finally built up in the school was so easily destroyed in the hands of Han Yu Xiaotian.

As one of the parties, Han Yu Xiaotian did not realize that he had made any mistakes. He believed that the communication between several people from the beginning to the end was a serious exchange.

However, after this "serious exchange", Wang Ruoqi and Wang Ruoqi finally broke the sense of distance between them and Han Yu Xiaotian's identity, and began to become more casual.