Turn the Universe

Chapter 644: Cover the audience

When the voice of one billion sounded, the audience fell into silence.

Even Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong were almost in a petrochemical state.

One billion Niku coins!

Is this guy playing for real this time?

What is the concept of a billion?

That has exceeded the current liquidity limit of almost all large groups including Ruifeng Group. Even for Xinghan University, one billion is definitely not a number that can be taken out at will.

And this is an astronomical huge sum of money for most of the people on Nicholas, so it was actually used to buy a piece of jade that was not known for what purpose?

Even if it has a rune of heaven and earth, it is too exaggerated, right?

Even they don't have much idea about money, they feel the horror behind this number.

Is the person who can throw a billion at will be a simple person?

With the power of one person, all the big bosses of the various group presidents present today were suppressed, and no one dared to compete with them!

At this moment, Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong couldn't help looking at each other at the same time, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes. No one would have thought that Han Yu Xiaotian, who was just a temporary shield, would be so...unfathomable.

It seems that Hanyu Xiaotian is not as simple as he usually shows!

In fact, it wasn't Hanyu Xiaotian. The key was that he was bound to obtain this ancient jade of heaven, because he wouldn't hesitate to take this ancient jade of heaven, not one billion, even ten billion.

Besides, the 1 billion second-class coins really don’t look in his eyes. This time he entered the World as a core member of the family’s “S” level authority. The Han Yu family had already prepared him a lot of money for him. He can not worry about money, but devote himself to the practice hard.

And by virtue of the "S" level authority, even if it is to enter the World to practice, Hanyu Xiaotian has the right to mobilize any family branch and any personnel and funds of any large external force when needed.

Coupled with the account of Ward Bank, the largest bank in the Union*, which his mother Xia Xiaodie had already prepared for him at the age of 18, Han Yu Xiaotian now has a net worth of no less than 5 billion! And it is the most advanced federal* currency!

Five billion Union* state coins, equivalent to the second-class coins on 500 billion nicotines!

It is no exaggeration to say that Hanyu Xiaotian is definitely the richest man on Nicholas.

The cost of one billion is really not too big for Han Yu Xiaotian.


When Ouyang Feng handed the Tiange ancient jade together with the brocade box to Hanyu Xiaotian, he still said without a smile: "Unexpectedly, the son of Hanyu is so secretive and has an extraordinary background. Ouyang Feng is ignorant. , I don’t know which group power the little brother comes from? Maybe I and your parents still know each other!"

How could his wrong mouth be concealed from Han Yu Xiaotian, who had long understood the path of profound heart?

He really doesn’t have any interest in imagining or arguing with this class of people, and Han Yu Xiaotian directly said indifferently: “You are indeed ignorant. But you don’t need to have a relationship with my family. If you have such a leisurely mind, you should take care of your own unsatisfactory Son."

"What are you talking about? Don't be too arrogant! Be careful with you..."

Ouyang Li behind Ouyang Feng roared for the third time.

Stopping his son, Ouyang Feng was still able to calm down: "The little brother speaks very aggressively, but things are easy to handle, and it's not easy to keep them. Every husband is innocent, and the ideal of guilty of crimes must be understood by Young Master Han Yu. ."

At this time, Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong, who were standing next to Han Yu Xiaotian, both looked solemnly: "What? Is the dignified Ruifeng Group still planning to repay the debt?"

"Don't dare, I just remind this'freshman' in your college to be careful! Don't be empty and empty!" Ouyang Feng said with a flickering light in his eyes.

"Haha~~, come if you want, at your own risk. If it's, Wanrong, let's go."

Han Yu Xiaotian took the brocade box containing the ancient jade of Tian Ge in Ouyang Feng's hand, and with a wave of his hand, the brocade box with the length of a human arm disappeared, and then he immediately walked outside.

Storage ring!

Han Yu Xiaotian shocked several people again.

The level of storage ring...

At this moment, seeing Hanyu Xiaotian's elegant figure turning away without caring, Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong couldn't help but glimmer in their eyes. They had a vague illusion. It seemed that this mysterious boy had never feared any challenge...
