Turn the Universe

Chapter 66: Ant and Dragon

Hearing the "potato silk kid" in Liu Yan's mouth, Han Yu Dingsheng didn't spray out the tea that he had just drunk in his mouth.

Immediately he also noticed his gaffe, and quickly sat down. After thinking about it slightly, he said, "Some things are not convenient to tell you clearly. Well, what he said is true."

"Really? What is true?" The four of them didn't find a clue for a while.

"He should really have never eaten potato shreds and garlic cabbage. He should eat these every day, even more advanced." Han Yu Dingsheng gently tapped with his hands and placed'liger meat' in front of everyone. Said the table that cherished dishes such as Mammoth Trunk, Colorful Crystal Powder, and Dagu Wayu.

"That kid really eats these every day?"

Although Han Yu's words shocked the four people a bit, they didn't seem to clarify the meaning behind this sentence.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Han Yu Dingsheng suddenly felt a little distracted: "You should feel that you and him are not people of the same class in the world? In fact, your idea is also correct, but the facts are just the opposite of what you think. He lives in a world that you will never see or touch in your whole life. In fact, you should feel fortunate. Fortunately, your speech and behavior did not offend him. Of course, perhaps you can’t offend him at all. How could the dragon care about the ants’ talking? You only need to know one thing. If he wants to, with just one sentence, within a few days, you, including the forces behind you, will evaporate from the world without leaving a trace!"

In the end, Han Yu Dingsheng said: "I will do what I promised you, and it will be treated as a deal. In the future... we will not need to contact again." Bi Hanyu Dingsheng ignored the four people who had been completely stunned and got up. Leave.

After leaving the Tianxiang restaurant, Han Yu Xiaotian went to the Yaocang and Shenbing Hall again, and found that the so-called treasures of the town shops in these places were much worse than the ordinary weapons he occasionally saw in the family. When he became interested, he took Xiao Hei and returned home.

Now that he has decided to participate in the family Tenglong competition in half a year, Hanyu Xiaotian will naturally prepare for one or two. Although he is young, he also knows that the road to seeking Taoism is not only something that can be achieved by living in seclusion and cultivating behind closed doors, but also to experience the vicissitudes of the world, experience the vicissitudes of the world, and experience the ups and downs of the world.

Han Yu Xiaotian never dared to underestimate the people of the same age in the family. His heart flashed through Han Yu Duofeng, Han Yu Shengxi, Han Yu Xiaorou, the glowing body of the sun, and those who he was not yet. The peerless Tianjiao who knows... Han Yu Xiaotian decided to retreat to practice after strolling around.

Shengjing City, Huaxia District, is located on the top floor of an eighty-story building in a prime location. A middle-aged man with a rough face and a bearded waist can be positioned as a hero at a glance while playing indoor golf, an ancient and elegant sport. While asking: "Dingsheng, what you just said is true?"

"Yes, Dad, Guang Brain will definitely not be mistaken. It is definitely the Tamron internal system developed by the family. The basic information generated by the docking will prove this!" Han Yu Dingsheng replied respectfully, standing with his head down.

This middle-aged golfing man is indeed the father of Han Yu's heyday, and he is also the actual controller of nearly a quarter of the forces in the Huaxia region of the earth.


The ball pushed by the middle-aged man brushed shoulders with the hole. Seeing that the middle-aged man’s success rate of 99.9% of his putts failed, Hanyu Dingsheng understood that at this moment his father’s heart was not as calm as he showed.. ....