Turn the Universe

Chapter 666: Rune of Water


The composure Wang Ruoqi felt that the person's eyes finally moved away from her body, she breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time there was a little loss.

What kind of person is he?

From the rune Xiaobai that she recognized at the beginning, to the well-known genius evildoer of the whole rune system later;

From the plain clothes at the auction, to the arrogant figure of throwing a billion dollars and suppressing all the chief executives of financial groups;

From what they originally thought were ordinary teenagers who were only interested in runes, to the world-famous demeanor of the 83rd and 85th Tianjiao on the list of defeated star Han Tianjiao...

All this makes the figure of Junxiu who likes to wear white clothes look so dreamy and mysterious...

Some people say that curiosity is a woman's deadlock, and Wang Ruoqi seems to be caught in this trap that is fatal to any woman.


"This rune~~"

Han Yu Xiaotian frowned slightly.

In his eyes, the complexity of the first complete rune he has seen since he was admitted to Xinghan University is simply beyond complicity.

Each stripe is like a wave with countless water droplets in it, and the state of each droplet is not exactly the same, or connected, discrete, or squeezed, and so on.

What's even more exaggerated is that this complete rune actually seems to be constantly changing!

Observing the same part the moment before and the moment later, the lines you see are not exactly the same!

Are they flowing?

Or is it just an illusion of the human eye?

But even after zooming in through the high-precision image display in front of the crowd, it is still difficult to fully grasp its fixed form.

These hundreds of striped patterns of various shapes are like endless rivers, which are difficult to capture and difficult to understand.

How to calculate and analyze this?

The data from the previous moment may change in the next moment. I just analyzed a tiny fragment, and found that the rune fragment I just analyzed has been inexplicably scattered in a larger wave...


If you want to explore the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and you want to understand the mystery of the universe, can you achieve it by calculation and analysis alone?

Facing the water wave rune pattern that seemed to be constantly flowing, Hanyu Xiaotian once again closed the eyes of human beings that had been blinded by the red dust of the world...

In the early days of civilization, people began to explore the composition or classification of various things in the world, in which water played an important role.

Water was included in the four-element theory put forward by the ancient West;

The four major ones in Buddhism also have water;

In the ancient Chinese Five Elements theory, water represents all liquids, as well as things with fluid, moist, and yin-flexible qualities.

Water is the source of human life. It is not life itself, but it breeds life.

The goodness is like water. It is an idiom that says in "Laozi": "The goodness is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting."

"Guanzi·Shuidi" says: "Water is the standard of all things, and the indifferent of all life is not the quality of gain or loss. Therefore, there is no dissatisfaction, no one dwells in the world, and is hidden in all things. Produced in gold and stone, Collected in all beings, so it is called the God of Water."

In Taoism, water is the supreme good and soft; the water is dense and dense, the slight is silent, and the giant is turbulent; it does not compete with people but contains everything. Water has the virtue of nourishing all things. It enables all things to get its benefits without contradicting or conflicting with all things. The way of life is no better than this.

Lao Tzu also said: "Because of its indisputability, the world cannot compete with it. This is to imitate the virtue of water.

Water is more than Tao; Tao is everywhere, water has no disadvantages, avoiding heights and tending downwards, it is not a reversal, and it is also good at the ground; the empty space is quiet and unfathomable. Kindness is also for the deep; damage is inexhaustible, do not ask for retribution, good for benevolence...