Turn the Universe

Chapter 676: Oil stains on silver wavy lines

Although the rune masters of the Huaxia line are extremely rare, and to a certain extent they can also control the power of the runes of heaven and earth, but in terms of true strength and status, compared with the archbishops of the cross cults who control almost the entire western alliance, they It's still a big difference.

Norland compared rune masters like Wang Ruoqi and Hanyu Xiaotian with his own bishop, also in the spirit of showing goodwill.

Noland was originally polite and polite, but Jiang Lanxin didn't seem to intend to expose it easily~

"Noland, where the nobility of your family is good, it makes you too humble. Although runemasters are extremely rare, but they can be compared with the bishops of the Western Union?"

Jiang Lanxin's words encircled Wang Ruoqi, invisibly degrading the status of a rune master who was much more noble than her own.

Then she squinted at Han Yu Xiaotian: "Furthermore, even if it is a rune master, it is not so easy to achieve! He is just a freshman in the rune department, according to their Xinghan University rune department. With the elimination rate, more than 90% of the students have no chance of graduation. I..."

But before she finished speaking, she saw Han Yu Xiaotian's left hand slightly lifted, and a beautiful silver wave line clearly appeared in front of everyone...

First-level rune master!

However, at this moment, above the silver wavy line that symbolizes the status and status that countless people have dreamed of, there seems to be a trace of oil stains accidentally stained when eating...


Jiang Lanxin, Nolande and others were a little stunned. They didn't expect that this person who was just a freshman student of the Rune Department of Xinghan University was actually a first-level rune master!

This is too far from the status of ordinary students, at least with the status of the other party's current first-level rune master, it is no less than Jiang Lanxin and Nolande.

But what happened to the oil stains on the other party's cuffs?

Who would not cherish the badges and signs that show their status?

Is it possible that this dress is not his fault?

Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong also noticed the oil stains on the silver wavy lines of Hanyu Xiaotian, and couldn't help but groaned: "Xiaotian, look at what you are eating, the clothes of the first-level rune master just posted today are stained by you!"

"Oh? This? It doesn't matter, anyway, I will change it soon."

"Yeah, you are really confident!"

Wang Ruoqi glanced at Han Yu Xiaotian who was about to enter the rhythm of eating goods.

Seeing that there seemed to be no need to continue this matter, Jiang Lanxin also had to stop, and the atmosphere was rare and harmonious.

Between bows and cups, the table seems to be divided into two camps. Su Wanrong, Wang Ruoqi, and Han Yu Xiaotian kept talking and laughing, and they often mentioned things within Xinghan University or simply rune system. It seems that Jiang Lanxin and the others have been forgotten.

And Noland, Gergill, Christina and others are discussing some things within the Western Alliance, and occasionally they will be surprised by Wang Ruoqi, who is smiling and groaning, and often keeps his eye on.

Jiang Lanxin, who has always been accustomed to being the protagonist, felt that she seemed to be a dispensable existence on this table, and she couldn't help feeling extremely uncomfortable...

After Jiang Lanxin took a bite of food to Noland next to him without a trace, he suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, Noland, we are not going to the headquarters of Huihong Group in two days to talk to them. Does the minister negotiate cooperation matters?

This brilliant hotel seems to be one of their chain agencies, ah, maybe you will say hello to the manager of this hotel later, this meal will be free~~"