Turn the Universe

Chapter 679: Break the rules

The manager of the brilliant hotel that Jiang Lanxin said in this sentence was also taken aback: "What did Miss Jiang say...what do you mean?"

Immediately, Jiang Lanxin gave a little lip in the direction of Hanyu Xiaotian and Wang Ruoqi~

"Don't mind the manager. A certain friend of mine is not enough at the level, so it's normal if you haven't heard of your group. If you are joking, don't take it seriously."

The hotel manager couldn't help looking in the direction that Jiang Lanxin signaled, "Hey, isn't this Miss Su Wanrong and Wang Ruoqi Master Rune?"

The long-term etiquette training made the hotel manager stay in Wang Ruoqi's fascinated eyes for an instant and then he took it back. Then he seemed to realize that there was a situation where he shouldn't intervene...

"Um, Miss Jiang and Mr. Noland, you are all our distinguished guests..."

"Okay, okay, have you had enough trouble? This meal is really bad, Wanrong, why do you make all kinds of friends? I have never seen such annoying person!"

When Jiang Lanxin first arrived, she told Su Wanrong not to make friends of all levels. This time Han Yu Xiaotian just returned, and he was really not welcome this time.

Han Yu Xiaotian's words made Noland, Jiang Lanxin and the others stunned again.

At their level, even if they are at odds with each other, or even hostility, they will generally only ridicule each other on the open face, and secretly you can use any means, but you will never show it directly through the skin.

This may be the unspoken rule of their class.

But Han Yu Xiaotian completely broke this covert rule today!

"You~ who do you hate?"

Jiang Lanxin asked with a trembling stare at Han Yu and Xiaotian.

"Do you really use yourself as a dish? You went to the Western Alliance to learn supernatural powers, and you asked the Norland family to cooperate and inject capital, and you also contacted Huihong Group to negotiate business. Really think you are going to heaven?

With your virtue, it is incomparable with Wanrong, let alone with our family! "

How about our home?

After seeing Han Yu Xiaotian’s unfathomable depths several times, Wang Ruoqi originally expected how this young man would show off this time, but when he heard Han Yu Xiaotian’s words "our family Ruoqi", After the words, his face was slightly red.

After staring at Han Yu Xiaotian, she didn't immediately refute this time.

"You? You innocent kid, if it wasn't for Wanrong's face, do you believe it or not I will make you look good now?"

Jiang Lanxin's face was pale at this time.

Noland next to Jiang Lanxin gently pulled Jiang Lanxin, and said in a deep voice, "Now we are still on the ground of Huihong Group, don't let people watch the jokes."

Hanyu Xiaotian didn't mean to stop, but poked his lips again~

"I'm not into the trend~~ Okay. Okay, I think you don't bother to toss about it anymore. Huihong Group is owned by our family. I can answer this matter for you!

Is the hotel manager? Please contact Han Yubai, the president of your headquarters right now, and say that someone named Han Yu Xiaotian is looking for him! "

"The Huihong Group was opened by our family..."

Han Yu Xiaotian's words shocked those present.

amount? President? Hundreds of cold feathers? Han Yu Xiaotian?

The hotel manager's heart suddenly burst, an absurd idea suddenly appeared in his mind, is this young man really~~

"Uh, distinguished guest, with my authority, I can only contact the headquarter operations director at this level~"

"It's okay, just contact!" Han Yu Xiaotian said calmly.
