Turn the Universe

Chapter 706: I forgot to finish

When Kang Yong finished his last stroke, a palm-sized rune pattern appeared.

Its size is about less than one percent of the entire rune pattern, faintly, and a hint of wood slowly radiates.

Sure enough, Kang Yong did succeed in analyzing and deciphering a rune fragment, although it is only a very small part, although it is only the simplest edge fragment of the entire rune, although it is not very perfect...

However, he was indeed successful!

Kang Yong glanced triumphantly at Hanyu Xiaotian on the other side of the podium~

"Under the gaze of so many people, how do you pretend now! Do you dare to call yourself a genius in front of my Kang Yong? Humph, as long as I am here, I will be the first genius in the Rune Department of Xinghan University!"

"Teacher Wang Ruoqi, mine has been completed, do you want to see it? The younger brother over there hasn't finished the drawing. Is it a freshman? It is understandable to slow down.

Kang Yong said calmly, but anyone could hear a trace of contempt and disdain in his tone.

Wang Ruoqi frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

She stepped forward and carefully observed the rune fragments portrayed by Kang Yong. After a while, she nodded slightly and said; "Yes, there are already some charms of wood runes, and the degree of completion is relatively high. It should be in 100%. It’s more than sixty, and students can refer to this clip."

Immediately, Wang Ruoqi glanced at the direction of Han Yu Xiaotian without a trace, secretly anxious.

"Why hasn't he finished yet?"

At this moment, Han Yu Xiaotian suddenly stopped.

He turned around and smiled at Wang Ruoqi: "Teacher Wang Ruoqi, mine is also done, please also appraise it."

"Oh, good!"

When Wang Ruoqi looked at the pattern drawn by Han Yu Xiaotian, he couldn't help but stunned~

what is this?

At this moment, in everyone's eyes, Hanyu Xiaotian's paintings can be described as "overgrown with weeds". This pattern, not called a pattern, has been covered with the entire runestone.

Unorganized, unorganized...

And it just occupies such a large area~~

"Haha, what is this? Do children paint?"

Kang Yong on the side also came over.

"Is this the new enchanted evildoer in the rune system? It really disappoints me."

"Um, classmate Xiaotian, what are you?"

At this time, seeing Hanyu Xiaotian showed a sudden realization without any tension~

"Oh, I forgot to close it, sorry."

Immediately after Hanyu Xiaotian picked up the pen again, in everyone’s gaze, starting from the center of the runestone, a circle of patterns that seemed to be the growth rings of an ancient tree quickly formed, and soon covered the entire stone surface... ....

Until the moment when Han Yu Xiaotian finally finished writing, a dumb and shocking pattern appeared in everyone's eyes...

"This is? Rune fragment? How come I didn't see that it was?"

"It's very similar but not like it. It's too big."

"Why do I look familiar? It seems to be..."

"Oh my God, this is the whole wood rune pattern! Although it's not exactly the same, it can't be wrong!"

"What? Is this the entire rune?"

For a while, the classroom boiled.

There are some old students who still don't believe that they are still muttering to themselves.

"How is this possible? Just now I have carefully confirmed that his drawing is not correct at all! Why did it suddenly become like this?"

"He was obviously wrong at the beginning, and it can even be said to be full of mistakes. In the end, why..."