Turn the Universe

Chapter 761: Powerful lightning ability

Looking at the rapidly forming ice and snowy world inside the protective cover on the arena, and then feeling the warmth around him like spring, countless people in the stands were wide-eyed.

The two worlds inside and outside, let countless people see the power of Xue frivolous ~


He was no longer familiar with his old opponent, seeing this scene, Lei Tianyun did not have any surprises.

A gleam of electric light flashed to the extreme in the eyes, and then became denser and denser, and finally they were connected into a piece, forming the eyes of thunder!

Then, a punch.

It's just that Lei Tianyun's punch is like thunder and lightning, fierce without waves.

With a fist, a dazzling electric light illuminates the sky and the earth, and then there is thunder, and the fist of thunder and lightning comes out and hits the cold wave of the sky that Xue frivolous release.

It seems that it has just begun. Lei Tianyun didn't mean to stop at all. Immediately after the fist of thunder and lightning, dozens of fists struck out like lightning in the air. Every iron fist turned into a roaring thunder and lightning, as if it were thunder and lightning. The rain shrouded the frivolous figure of the snow!

What a powerful supernatural energy!

This is the No. 1 ability powerhouse in the entire ability department of Xinghan University, the C-rank ability genius, Thunder Sky!

The C-level abilities are already comparable to the mid-to-late stage powers of the ancient warriors of the Yellow Order, and its abilities are extremely powerful thunder and lightning, no wonder Lei Tianyun is ranked second only to that one among the top ten~

Xue frivolous, of course, also knows the terrible Thunder Tianyun. Before the arrival of the fist of thunder and lightning, a cold current diverted from the icicles of the sky and turned into a huge ice dragon, holding its head high, bringing endless cold air toward the other side. The fist of thunder and lightning whizzed away.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom~~~

The collision of ice and thunder~

For a time, ice flowers flew on the ring and thunder and lightning raged~~

The terrifying explosion sounded through the world and appeared directly in the ears of everyone in the stands, almost cracking people's eardrums...

Only the first round of temptation was so violent. The battle between the first person and the second person of the superpower made everyone outside the field hold their breath.

After the trial was over, Lei Tianyun, who was a member of the lightning system, had always liked to take the initiative to attack.

"Thunder Flash Trail~"

A bolt of thunder and lightning disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already in front of Xue Qing Kuang, and it was Lei Tianyun.

"What a quick posture!"

Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but her eyes narrowed slightly.

The speed that Lei Tianyun showed at the moment on the ring was almost the same as his shrinking!

The speed of thunder and lightning was originally incredibly fast, and the power was even greater. Seeing Lei Tianyun's use of thunder and lightning at this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian couldn't help but think of one of the magical powers she had acquired in the family's Buddhist scripture pavilion: five Lei Zhengfa!

It's just that this magical power requires the cultivator to draw the thunder of heaven and earth into the body in order to cultivate, Han Yu Xiaotian has never dared to do anything wrong.

And now he has gone through the forging of the vitality of heaven and earth once, and he deeply feels that the benefits to his body are incalculable.

"Perhaps if I have a chance, I have to try this magical power for myself~"


Lei Tianyun on the ring has appeared in front of Xue Qingkang.


With the palm out, a highly compressed lightning energy ball appeared.

The terrible electric currents erupted with "sizzling" noises and dazzling electric lights because of the intensive friction and squeezing of each other.

After that, the Thunder Sky Energy Ball just pressed on the cold wave icicle outside Xue Qingkuang.


The condensed energy ball of high voltage and high electricity was connected with the icicles of the snow frivolous cold wave, once again erupted with a terrifying blasting sound. In the blink of an eye, a void appeared, and the snow frivolous had been exposed to the "thunder" trick.

Xue frivolous is not that he does not want to fight back, but that Lei Tianyun's speed is too fast! As an ice-type superpower, it is difficult for him to keep up with the opponent's speed...