Turn the Universe

Chapter 78: Gossip

Hanyu Xiaotian is more and more curious about the way of heaven and earth runes. He has a vague guess that the heaven and earth runes are also an important part of the heaven and earth avenue, and it will play a vital role in his path of seeking Tao.

Therefore, although Han Yu Xiaotian had never dabbled in Qimen Dunjia and Zhouyi's gossip, when he saw the gossip pattern that Han Yuyi was studying, he was immediately attracted by the way of runes involved.

At this time, Old Yuan, who was standing next to the two of them, suddenly said, "The Bagua Array is called Jiugong Bagua Array. Nine is the extreme number. Take the number derived from six and three. Yi Youyun: One life is two, two is born, and three is born. All things. There is also the so-called Taiji produces two instruments, two instruments produce four phases, four phases produce eight hexagrams, and the eight hexagrams change into 64 lines. From now on, they will change endlessly."

"According to ancient Chinese folklore, gossip originated from Fuxi, the head of the three emperors and five emperors. Fuxi first painted gossips in Guatai Mountain, Tianshui, and opened the sky with one painting. The gossip represents the yin and yang system of things changing themselves. Using these two symbols, they are combined in parallel according to the changes of nature’s yin and yang to form eight different forms. Each hexagram represents a certain thing. Qian represents the sky, Kun represents the earth, Sunda represents wind, earthquake represents thunder, and Kan represents water. , Li stands for fire, Gen stands for mountain, and Dui stands for Ze. The gossip is like eight invisible big pockets, which encompasses everything in the universe. The combination of gossip and each other becomes sixty-four trigrams, deriving all kinds of heaven and earth. !"

Seeing Han Yu Xiaotian and Han Yuyi seem to have some understanding of what they said, Yuan Lao nodded slightly and then said: "According to my Han Yu family ancestors, the most original source of recorded gossip is the Book of Changes of Western Zhou Dynasty, with six contents. Fourteen hexagrams, but no images. The hexagram of eight hexagrams is a comprehensive word, starting from Gui from Bu. Gui, referring to Tu Gui, began to make soil pillars of mud to measure the shadow of the sun. Bu, the meaning of measuring the shadow of the sun. , That is, summarizing and recording the observed shadows of the sun from the four corners and four corners of the four corners, which forms the image of gossip

The basic rune pattern of gossip is line, and each hexagram has three lines, representing the three talents of heaven, earth and man. The sky is the movement of the entire celestial body and the meteorological changes. The science of these astrology is called astronomy in ancient times; the whole process of the disintegration of the earth and the accumulation of the earth;

The essence of Zhouyi is to regard the sky, earth, and human as a whole, and to connect things of different qualities and states together to explore the laws of its operation. Number, theory, and phase are unified, and number and theory are expressed through phase. And the minds of mathematics, science, and origin are the same. As Lu Jiuyuan said, ‘my heart is the universe, and the universe is my heart’. With one mind, you can perceive the world and understand life. "

Yuan Lao had a meal, and finally concluded: "The Eight Diagrams Rune and Taiji Diagrams, to some extent, can already represent the ultimate truth of Chinese traditional beliefs-Confucianism and Taoism: "Tao". The universe and all things, the universe and the stars are all in it. and also!"

In a short period of time, Yuan Lao’s explanation of the "Tao" from another perspective in simple terms seems to have opened a new door for Han Yu Xiaotian. Han Yu Xiaotian, who was thinking with Han Yuyi, couldn’t help but change his eyes. sluggish.

"Taiji produces two instruments, two instruments produce four phases, four phases produce eight hexagrams, and the eight hexagrams change into sixty-four lines. From now on, endless changes are repeated.

"Diantian, Kundi, Sunda, Thunder, Kanshui, Lihuo, Genshan, Duize."

Old Yuan's words kept ringing in Hanyu Xiaotian's ears.

"My heart is the universe, and the universe is my heart. With one heart, you can feel the world!"

Like a bolt from a blue sky, Hanyu Xiaotian fell into a state of epiphany again.