Turn the Universe

Chapter 792: Enlightenment Rune

Three days later~

Alchemy Rune Lab, Rune Department of Xinghan University, Rune Room No. 18.

When Muzi took Hanyu Xiaotian to open the door of Rune Room No. 18, Hanyu Xiaotian was shaken by the sight in front of him.

A variety of extremely ancient materials, neatly arranged on the edge of the rune room.

Their shapes and materials are weird, round, square, columnar, polygonal, and irregular. Some are as thin as a piece of cloth, some are rough and hard like a stone, and some are even Hanyu Xiaotian. Material materials that have never been seen before.

But the only thing they have in common is that they are both extremely old and faintly emerging, that kind of endless mysterious aura~

They are either excavated from tens of thousands of meters underground, or inadvertently revealed in inaccessible ruins, or simply fragments of certain stars~~

These things are not the rubbings or projection patterns that he has seen before, but the real, authentic traces portrayed by the rules of heaven and earth, or alien advanced civilizations that are unknown to everyone~~

Some even have hundreds of millions of years~~

"Xiaotian Rune Master, the runes here are almost all the authentic ones owned by the Rune Department of Xinghan University. Dean Mo Yan ordered me to send them all here until you have completed your enlightenment, and then transport them back.

In addition, four complete runes are also here. Another complete rune about the way of nature is currently being used by the department and will be available in about two weeks. I will also send it here at that time. "

Muzi looked at the handsome boy who was just nineteen years old with admiration and complexity.

Now she still clearly remembers how immature this boy was when she first arrived, and she didn't even use the most basic rune tools.

But it was also this young man who repeatedly created enchanting achievements that broke the record of the Rune Department of Xinghan University, leaving countless people stunned.

And now she also knows that this teenager was officially accepted as a disciple by Master Mo Yan. With this identity alone, Han Yu Xiaotian can walk sideways on Nigux~~

However, this boy does not seem to need it.

Because she still remembers that just a few days ago, this young man defeated the invincible Purple Emperor under one hundred thousand pairs of eyes, and became the new generation of kings on the list of the talents of Xinghan University~~

Everything about this young man seems to be different and so dreamy. Is this the true pride of heaven?

"Okay, thank you Muzi teacher, then I will thank you first!"

Han Yu Xiaotian still interrupted Muzi's thoughts in a humble and gentle voice.

She came back to her senses and smiled at Hanyu, "Well, then I won’t bother you, but this time I still have to persuade you. The amount of runes is too large, which will damage your spirit. It is extremely large, you must pay attention to rest, it is best to divide into several retreats.

Finally, I look forward to the results you will bring after you leave customs! Well, if you have any needs, please feel free to contact me~"

With Muzi's departure, the door of Rune Lab No. 18 slowly closed~

In this way, the new generation of young king Han Yu Xiaotian, who had just set off a storm and heat wave at Xinghan University and even the entire Nicholas, began his career in the world of runes, and quietly faded out of the sight of countless people... ....
