Turn the Universe

Chapter 80: Chance encounter

Han Yuyi was completely stunned. She thought of countless kinds of answers that Han Yu Xiaotian might give. She even anticipated how she would refute and correct...

But what she never expected was that Hanyu Xiaotian would actually show her what a genius is, what a mortal is in such an almost groundbreaking way...

Han Yu Xiaotian is a genius, and he is just a mortal!

No wonder she has put in all her efforts, but she can only seek to solve her doubts as a registered disciple with the permission of Mr. Yuan, while Xiaotian Hanyu can still find Mr. Yuan to answer questions at any time without any name. .

Ling Han Yuyi's tossing and turning questions for countless days and nights finally had an answer at this moment, and she was convinced!

Leaving the library, Han Yu Xiaotian wandered in the sparse woods, thinking of Han Yuyi's gloomy expression before he left, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Vaguely guessed that his just understanding of the way of gossip made Han Yu vulnerable to a blow, but he was helpless. In that case, whatever he said was wrong, it could only make Han Yuyi even more discouraged and desperate.

"I hope she can get out of her shadow and stand up again!" Han Yu Xiaotian muttered to herself.

"This little brother, do you know how to get to the family library?" A crisp voice interrupted Han Yu Xiaotian's thoughts with an assaulting fragrance.

"What a beautiful girl!"

When Han Yu Xiaotian saw the person in front of him clearly, it was the beauties he had seen a lot, but he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

"Huh, what do you look at, haven't you seen a beautiful woman? Qianqing, let's ask another person."

Han Yu Xiaotian was taken aback, and it turned out that there was a flower protector next to the beauty he was paying attention to. Looking closely, this person has a brave and unruly appearance, but the slight arrogance on his face destroyed his temperament.

But such a person Han Yu laughed and saw a lot, that young talent didn't have any arrogance? And just now, he had neglected others, no wonder they were unhappy.

"It's abrupt, what do you call the two?" Han Yu smiled and clasped his fists slightly.

"My name is Hanyu Kaige, and her name is Hanyu Qianqing. We are all here to participate in the Family Dragon Tournament!" The teenager who claimed to be Hanyu Kaige replied somewhat reluctantly.

Immediately he looked up and down Hanyu Xiaotian carefully. After the general strong cultivated to a certain level, his body would naturally exude the self-confidence of a master, a unique, and tempered master aura.

As warriors, each other can generally feel the strength of each other's aura, but Hanyu Kaige did not feel the aura of a martial arts expert from the person in front of him.

"Which branch are you from? Are you also here to participate in the family competition? Or come to watch the excitement?"

"Um, how can you tell that I am a branch and not a main line?" Han Yu Xiaotian asked with some wonder.

"You are in the main line? Impossible? Although I have not seen the main line children these days, they should not be as weak as you?" Han Yu Kaige was a little suspicious.

"It's another one who speaks directly!" Han Yu Xiaotian murmured inwardly.

At this time, the beautiful girl who had not spoken at this time gently pulled Han Yu Kaige's sleeve, and her beautiful eyes fell on Han Yu Xiaotian again: "This tribe, we are here to find the library. I borrowed some history books, but we are not familiar with it. Can you tell us if you know?"