Turn the Universe

Chapter 806: Five Elements Shengke (2)

A breath of mystery revolving suddenly formed, slowly rippling in the cosmic starry sky of Hanyu Xiaotian~

Countless planets have begun to undergo new changes, it is not clear that the way is unknown, but this mysterious and mysterious feeling is really clearly reflected in the perception of the **** of stars.

This change will be long-term and slow, but it will bring endless possibilities and benefits to the future development of the Hanyu Xiaotian universe.


This subtle breath seems to be imperfect~

There seems to be something missing.

"Hey, is it still not working after all? The golden rune hasn't been formed after all? It's even a far cry..."

Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes were filled with regret.

Without the guidance of a complete rune of heaven and earth, even with Hanyu Xiaotian’s enchanting evildoer, it is still impossible to open the gate of the supreme avenue with only a few incomplete golden runes~

In the west of the cosmic starry sky in his mind, there was a golden rune segment shining brightly, echoing the runes in the other four directions.

However, because of its incompleteness and weak strength, the connection with other runes is also weak.

"For the time being, this can only be done, see if there is any chance in the future~"

Han Yu Xiaotian immediately accepted the reality.

"Well, it's only a few days~~ Take a break and start refining magical weapons!"

He has become a fourth-level rune master, and Hanyu Xiaotian can't wait to wait.

After knowing the methods and results of other rune masters in depicting runes, he wanted to know whether he could still draw the fourth rank of the gods directly as a fourth-level rune master as before.


The five elements refer to the ancients dividing all things in the universe into five types of things, namely wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and call them the five elements.

I have seen the record of "Shangshu•Hongfan" early: "Five elements: One is water, second is fire, third is wood, fourth is gold, and fifth is soil. Water is said to run down, fire is said to rise, wood is said to be straight, and gold is called from leather. , Soil 爰 Jia 穑. Moisturizing the bottom to make salty, the inflammation on top of the bitterness, the straight line makes the acid, from the leather to the pungent, the crop to the sweet...".

Repeatedly, wood produces fire, fire produces soil, native gold, gold produces water, and water produces wood.

Wood constrains soil, soil constrains water, water constrains fire, fire constrains gold, and gold constrains wood.

A is the pillar of wood, east. B is the tree of flowers and fruits, east.

C is the fire of the sun, south. Ding is the fire of candles, south.

E is the soil of the city wall, the Chinese side. It is the land of the pastoral, China.

Geng is the gold of axe and yue, in the west. Xin is the gold of jewelry, the West.

Ren is the water of rivers, north. Kui is the water of raindrops, north.


After thinking about the position and relationship of the five elements, Han Yu Xiaotian portrayed it.

He first chose an alloy giant axe, which has a large surface and is easier to portray than swords.

In the blink of an eye, the two runes of water and wood have been portrayed, and the rippling water and wood aura is extremely surging, showing that the rank of this second-rank magic weapon is either high or top rank.

Wood makes a fire~

The rune that Han Yu Xiaotian chose to portray was the rune of fire. It seems that he considered the relationship between wood and fire quite well. Soon, Hanyu Xiaotian finished most of it~

In the heartbeat of Hanyu Xiaotian, the rune of fire that was nearly finished, but burst into flames in a burst of flames~~

"How could this be?"

Looking at the scrapped giant axe in his hand, Han Yu Xiaotian frowned.

"Could it be that the nature of the fire was too bursting and fluctuating so much that it was ignited by the breath of wood? Or should I consider the runes of water to calm the violent fire~~"