Turn the Universe

Chapter 877: Major powerhouses

"I'm coming~"

Han Yu Xiaotian's figure appeared again next to Xiang Yu and others.

"Master Hanyu~"

"Xiaotian, you finally woke up~"

Seeing this mastermind finally appeared, everyone on the China side was relieved.

After all, facing the pressure of the three parties, the other party has a hot weapon in his hands. If one is not good, everyone may be buried there.

Facing this situation, Han Yu Xiaotian's expression remained calm. But in fact, his mind is undergoing earth-shaking changes~

Millions of stars are constantly oscillating and changing, and seem to be undergoing some subtle adjustments, and this adjustment involving the trajectory of the entire starry sky is causing a huge tide of power, constantly turning and agitating~

I know that the universe and stars in my mind are undergoing subtle transformations because of seeing the endless star map, and once the transformation is successful, what changes will happen at that time Han Yu Xiaotian still can't say.

I don't know when this transformation will be completed, but in the face of this situation, Han Yu Xiaotian can't temporarily put down his observation of the universe and stars.

Han Yu Xiaotian didn't feel good about these people who disturbed him. He snorted and stretched out his hand in the direction of the most threatening Western Alliance at this time.

An invisible magnetic force skyrocketed. In an instant, the soldiers of the Western Alliance holding hot weapons suddenly felt that their hands were empty. All the weapons suddenly dropped and flew, squeezed into a ball directly in the air, and then changed in the horror of everyone It became a ball of molten alloy solution dripping down~

"Quickly go away~"

The Western Union soldiers under the melting weapons hurriedly avoided, and they became a mess for a while.

Hanyu Xiaotian also played the role of Abu Diga's Magneto this time, and directly abolished the opponent's most threatening thermal weapon.

Seeing this scene, all the forces of the other three parties could not help being shocked, and then many people also sank: "Hua Xia is really not easy, there are such characters hidden~"

At this time, the saint son of the Western Alliance who was standing next to Kane in a trance also came back to his senses after a shock, and a bright white light suddenly shot out from his calm and indifferent eyes~

Son of Light!

"Haha~ Son of Light of the Cross Saint Church, admiration for a long time~"

"Yes, it is said that this saint son has endless powers and is a candidate for the next generation of Pope. My country Su is also known for a long time~"

Losing the threat of thermal weapons, the other M and Soviet powers also stepped out.

A handsome man with flowing blond hair and a powerful breath like a sun god.

A taller than two meters, his body is full of explosive muscles and a savage aura that is different from ordinary people, the look and temperament that is like my invincible, full of endless pressure.

Reid, one of M's most powerful and famous super genetic warriors of the entire human union!

Pajrov, one of the beastly kings of the Soviet Union in the galaxy!

The Human Federation* ranks among the top five powers in the first group, except for Abu Diga, all of them are here!

"Is it because I waited for someone to open the passage and caused the change of the relic?" At this time, the people in Huaxia were a little unwilling to think.

They have gone through hardships to reach this step, but it seems that they always provide opportunities for others~

"Hmph~ Who am I? It turned out to be the king of animalization from the kingdom of Su and the super genetic warrior of M. No wonder they dare to stay here after recognizing me~"

Although the tone of the son of light was plain, it was full of a sense of being above and above all beings.